Subhash Chandra

Region of Interest

South Asia

Primary Country of Residence





University of Delhi


Mailing Address

Department of Sanskrit
Faculty of Arts
University of Delhi

Phone/Fax Number(s)


Countries of Specialization



Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi in Computational Linguistics, entitled "Ontological Knowledgebase for Selected Verbs of Sanskrit and Bangla", 2012.

M.Phil. from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi in Computational Linguistics, entitled "Machine Recognition and Morphological Analysis of Subanta-padas", 2007.

M.A. from University of Delhi, New Delhi, India in Sanskrit Grammar, 2004.

Research Interests

Bilingualism and Sociolinguistics
Code-Mixing and Code Switching
Natural Language Processing
Computational Ontology for knowledgebase language processing
Indian theory of knowledge and computational Sanskrit
Computational grammar and lexicography
Machine Translation
E-corpora building
Panini Grammar and Linguistics
Scientific Research in Sanskrit Text
Verb Semantics

Teaching Interests

Teach Sanskrit Grammar, linguistics and computational linguistics at the Department of Sanskrit, Delhi Universit., New Delhi.


Books (1)

Chandra Subhash (2016). Knowledge Representation for Sanskrit Verb Argument Valence Authentication: An Ontological Approach. Scholars’ Press, Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-639-70052-7.
Chandra Subhash & Jha Girish Nath (2011). Computer Processing of Sanskrit Nominal Inflections: Methods and Implementation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP), 12 Back Chapman Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2XX, UK, ISBN 9781443826846, Feb 2011.

Research Papers and Articles (11):

International (9):

Chandra Subhash and Kundu Bibekananda (2013). Hunting Elusive English in Hinglish and Benglish Text: Unfolding Challenges and Remedies Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2013), , at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Noida, India during 18-20 December, 2013.
Kundu Bibekananda and Chandra Subhash (2012). Automatic Detection of English Words in Benglish Text: A Statistical Approach Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction 2012 (IHCI 2012), at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India during 27�29 December, 2012.
Bhattacharyya Pampa, Mitra Mridusmita, Pal Barnali and Chandra Subhash (2012). Divergence Patterns between English, Bangla and Assamese: A Machine Translation Perspective Proceedings of the 15th Oriental International Committee for the Co-ordination and Standardization of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques Conference (COCOSDA 2012), at the at the University of Macau, Macau, China during December 9-12, 2012.
Chandra Subhash (2012). Restructuring of Paninian Morphological Rules for Computer processing of Sanskrit Nominal Inflections. Proceedings of the Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation, May, 21, 2012, L�tfi Kirdar Istanbul Exhibition and Congress Centre, Turkey.
Chandra Subhash & Bhattacharyya Pampa (2011).Ontological Knowledge Database for Bangla Verb Arguments. Proceeding of 14th Oriental COCOSDA, Microelectronics and Information Systems Research Center, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, held on Oct. 26-28, 2011.
Chandra Subhash & Bhattacharyya Pampa (2010). Valency Analyzer of Verb Arguments for Bangla. Proceeding of 13th Oriental COCOSDA Workshop held on November 24-25, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 2010.
Chandra Subhash & Jha Girish Nath (2010). Sanskrit Verb Argument Valence: A Computational Analysis. Proceeding of 13th Oriental COCOSDA Workshop held on November 24-25, in Kathmandu, Nepal, 2010.
Jha Girish Nath, Agrawal Muktanand, Chandra Subhash, Mishra Sudhir Kumar, Mani Diwakar, Mishra Diwakar, Bhadra Manji & Singh Surjit Kumar (2009). Inflectional Morphology Analyzer for Sanskrit. Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-00154-3, 2009, Page: 219-238.
Bhadra Manji, Singh Surjit Kumar, Kumar Sachin, Chandra Subhash, Agrawal Muktanand, Chandrashekar R., Mishra Sudhir Kumar & Jha Girish Nath (2009). Sanskrit Analysis System (SAS). Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN978-3-540-93884-2: Volume- 5406/2009 Page 116-133, December 16, 2008.
National (2):

Chandra, Subhash (2010). Automatic Nominal Morphological Recognizer and Analyzer for Sanskrit: Method and Implementation. Language in India, ISSN 1930-2940, Volume 10 : 2.
Jha Girish Nath, Bhowmik Priti, Mishra Sudhir Kumar, Chandrashekar R, Chandra Subhash, Mendiratta Sachin & Agrawal Muktanand (2006). Towards a Computational analysis system for Sanskrit. Proceeding of first National symposium on Modeling and Shallow parsing of Indian Languages at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay pp 25-34 on 2nd to 4th April 2006.
Abstract of Research Papers and Articles (5):

International (3):

Chandra Subhash (2011). Meter Information System for Sanskrit. Proceeding of 32nd Annual Conference of Linguistic Society of Nepal, Kathmandu, November 26-27, 2011.
Chandra Subhash (2006). Computational identification and analysis of complicated Sanskrit noun phrases. Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on cognitive Science (ICCS-2006) at Centre for Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, U.P. India, on 10th to 12th December 2006.
Chandra Subhash & Jha Girish Nath (2005). Morphological analysis of nominal inflection in Sanskrit. Proceeding of Platinum Jubilee International conference L.S.I. at CLTS, Hyderabad University Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh., pp 34 On 6th to 8th December 2005.
National (2):

Chandra Subhash & Jha Girish Nath (2006). Sanskrit Subanta recognizer and analyzer for machine translation. Proceeding of 28th All India Conference of Linguists (28th AICL) at Department of Linguistics, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), India, on 2nd to 4th November 2006.
Chandra Subhash & Jha Girish Nath (2005). Developing a Sanskrit analysis system for Machine translation. Proceeding of a National seminar on �Translation today state and issues�, Department of Linguistics, at University of Kerla, Tirivenantpuram Kerla August, 23rd -25th 2005.

Check website for details publications:


Sanskrit ; Indian languages ; computational grammar ; lexicography ; Corpora ; morph analyzers,