Deborah Brautigam
Domaine de recherche | l'Afrique |
Pays de résidence | États-Unis d'Amérique |
Titre | Professor |
Affiliation | American University, Washington, D.C. |
Adresse électronique | |
Adresse | School of International Service
Téléphone/Télécopie | phone: 202-885-1696
Site de web | |
Pays de spécialisation | Nigeria ; Mauritius. |
Recherche | Research and publications on China in Africa; democratic consolidation and
Publications | Selected books: The dragon's gift : the real story of China in Africa. Oxford; New York:
Editor, with Odd-Helge Fjeldstad and Mick Moore.
Aid dependence and governance. Stockholm: Almquist & Wiksell, 2000. "The 'Mauritius miracle': democracy, institutions, and economic policy."
Chinese aid and African development: exporting green revolution.
China and the Kpatawee rice project in Liberia. Liberia Working Group
Mots-clés | democracy ; economic policy ; development ; industrialization ; governance. |