Publications | Publications in ISI/IBSS listed journals
1998(a) Ancient Art in a New South Africa: history and national resolve in a period of change (with J.D. Lewis-Williams). CSD Bulletin 5 (1): 13-16.
2000(a) Visions of Dynamic power: archaic rock-paintings, Altered States of Consciousness and ‘clever men’ in western Arnhem Land (NT), Australia (with C. Chippindale & P.S.C. Taçon). Cambridge Archaeological Journal 10 (1): 63-101.
2000(b) Archaeology and symbolism in the new South African coat of arms (with J.D. Lewis-Williams, G. Blundell & C. Chippindale). Antiquity 74: 467-468.
2000(c) Empowering places: rock shelters and ritual control in farmer - forager interactions in the Northern Province, South Africa (with S. Hall). South African Archaeological Society Goodwin Series 8: 30-46.
2001(a) Wits rock art archive to go online. South African Journal of Science 97: 420.
2001(b) Forbidden images: rock paintings and the nyau secret society of Central Malaŵi and Eastern Zambia. African Archaeological Review 18 (4): 187-211.
2002(a) After Hallström: new directions in the study of Northern rock-art (with E. Walderhaug, L. Forsberg & C. Chippindale). Antiquity 76: 25-26.
2002(b) The White Camel of the Makgabeng (with J.A. van Schalkwyk). Journal of African History 43 (2): 235-254.
2004(a) Taking Stock: identifying Khoekhoen herder rock art in southern Africa (with S. Ouzman). Current Anthropology 45 (4): 499-526.
2005 (a) Fingerprints of the Khoekhoen: geometric and handprinted rock art in the central Limpopo Basin, southern Africa (with E. Eastwood). South African Archaeological Society Goodwin Series 9: 63-76.
2005 (b) Sixty Years of the South African Archaeological Bulletin. South African Archaeological Bulletin 60: 49-50.
2008 (a) Captain Howison’s Poort. South African Archaeological Bulletin 63: 1-2.
2008 (b) A PanAfrican Journal. South African Archaeological Bulletin 63: 93-94.
2009 (a) A transformation charter for South African Archaeology. South African Archaeological Bulletin 64: 87-89.
2010(a) Envisioning San History: Problems in the Reading of History in the Rock Art of the Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa. African Studies 69 (2): 345-359.
2010(b) The Bulletin matters. South African Archaeological Bulletin 65: 121-122.
2011(a) The first in situ Raman spectroscopic study of San rock art in South Africa: procedures and preliminary results (with Tournié, A., Prinsloo, L.C., Paris, C. & Colomban, P.). Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 42: 399-406.
2012 (a) Helping to defend Africa's heritage: the African Archaeological Conservation Advisory Committee of the PanAfrican Archaeological Association. Azania 47(3): 379-380.
2013 (a) Rock art tourism in the uKhahlamba/Drakensberg World Heritage Site: obstacles to the development of sustainable tourism (with Duval, M.). Journal of Sustainable Tourism 21(1): 134-153.
2014 (a) Ethics in African Archaeology. Azania 49(2): 136-147.
2014 (b) Seeking sustainable rock art tourism: the example of the Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site (with Duval, M.). South African Archaeological Bulletin 69(199): 34-48.
2014 (c) De-centring ethical assumptions by re-centring ethical debate in African archaeology (with Giblin, J. & King, R.). Azania 49(2): 131-135.
2014 (d) Inscription au patrimoine mondial et dynamiques touristiques: le massif de l’uKhahlamba-Drakensberg (Afrique du Sud) (with Duval, M.). Annales de Géographie 697: 912-934.
Publications in non-refereed journals
2001(c) Presenting South African rock art to the world: two major new public rock art site developments for 2002 (with T. Turkington & G. Laue). The Digging Stick 18 (3): 5-7.
2002(c) Archaeological and rock art survey of the Makgabeng plateau, central Limpopo Basin (with E. Eastwood & J. van Schalkwyk). The Digging Stick 19 (1): 1-3.
2004 (b) Southern Africa’s Khoekhoen herder rock art (with S. Ouzman). The Digging Stick 21 (1): 1-4.
2009 (b) Lascaux Cave – Do we have cause for concern? The Digging Stick 26 (1): 1-4.
Books and chapters in books
1997 Zambia’s Ancient Rock Art: the Paintings of Kasama. Livingstone: National Heritage Conservation Commission. ISBN 9982-34-000-X.
1998(b) The Tale of the Chameleon and the Platypus: limited and likely choices in making pictures. In: Chippindale, C. & Taçon, P. (eds) The Archaeology of Rock-Art: 212-228. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2000(d) Image texts and annotations. In: Charteris, P. (ed.) Selected Southern African Rock Art. Johannesburg: South African Archaeological Society.
2004(c) Insiders and outsiders: sources for reinterpreting an historical event (with J.A. van Schalkwyk). In: Reid, A.M. & Lane, P.J. (eds) African Historical Archaeologies: 325-346. London: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
2004(d) Dangerous ground: a critique of landscape in rock-art studies (with G. Blundell). In: Chippindale, C. & Nash, G. (eds) Figured Landscapes of Rock-Art: 239-262. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2005(c) Malawi: Colonization and Wars of Resistance, 1889-1904. In: Shillington, K. (ed.) Encyclopedia of African History: 908-910. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn. 3 vols.
2005(d) Rock Art – Hadzabe/Sandawe (eastern Africa). In: Taylor, B.R. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature: 1394. London: Thoemmes Continuum. 2 vols.
2005(e) Rock Art – Northern Sotho (southern Africa). In: Taylor, B.R. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature: 1395. London: Thoemmes Continuum. 2 vols.
2005(f) Rock Art – Chewa (central Africa). In: Taylor, B.R. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature: 1393-1394. London: Thoemmes Continuum. 2 vols.
2005(g) Kaphirintiwa – The Place of Creation (central Africa). In: Taylor, B.R. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature: 951-952. London: Thoemmes Continuum. 2 vols.
2005(h) The Kasama spirit sites (northern Zambia). In: Taylor, B.R. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature: 954-955. London: Thoemmes Continuum. 2 vols.
2005(i) Makewana the Rainmaker (central Malawi). In: Taylor, B.R. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature: 1028-1030. London: Thoemmes Continuum. 2 vols.
2005(j) Mbiriwiri – The Sacred Rainmaking Drum. In: Taylor, B.R. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature: 1029. London: Thoemmes Continuum. 2 vols.
2005(k) Nyau – A Closed Association (central Africa). In: Taylor, B.R. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature: 1216-1217. London: Thoemmes Continuum. 2 vols.
2005(l) Rock Art – Batwa/Pygmies (central Africa). In: Taylor, B.R. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature: 1392-1393. London: Thoemmes Continuum. 2 vols.
2006(a) Reading rock art and writing genetic history: Regionalism, ethnicity and the rock art of southern Africa. In: Soodyal, H. (ed.) The Prehistory of Africa: 76-96; 176-181. Cape Town: Jonathan Ball.
2006(b) Rock Art Tourism in Southern Africa: Problems, Possibilities and Poverty Relief. In: Agnew, N. & Bridgland, J. (eds) Of the Past, for the Future: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation: 322-330. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.
2006(c) The rock arts of sub-Saharan Africa. In: G. Blundell (ed.) Origins: the Story of the Emergence of Humans and Humanity in Africa: 92-115. Cape Town: Double Storey.
2007(a) The power of ancient art (with L. Zubieta). In: Delius, P. (ed.) Mpumalanga: History and Heritage: 69-89. Pietermaritzburg: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
2008(c) Reservoirs of Potency: the Documentary Paintings of Stephen Townley Bassett (with J.D. Lewis-Williams). Rock Art Research Institute Monograph 1. Johannesburg: Rock Art Research Institute. ISBN 978-0-620-42074-7.
2009(c) The Eland’s People: New Perspectives in the Rock Art of the Maloti-Drakensberg Bushmen (with P. Mitchell). Rock Art Research Institute Monograph 2. Johannesburg: Wits University Press. ISBN 978-1-86814-498-3.
2009(d) Introducing The Eland’s People (with P. Mitchell). In: Mitchell, P. & Smith, B.W. (eds) 2009. The Eland’s People: New Perspectives in the Rock art of the Maloti-Drakensberg Bushmen: 1-12. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
2009(e) Foreword (with P. Mitchell). In: Vinnicombe, P. 2009. People of the Eland: vii-viii. 2nd Edition. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
2010(c) Seeing and Knowing: Understanding Rock Art With and Without Ethnography (with G. Blundell & C. Chippindale). Johannesburg: Wits University Press. ISBN 978-1-86814-513-3
2010(d) Rock art with and without ethnography (with Blundell, G., Chippindale, C.). In: Blundell, G., Chippindale, C. & Smith, B.W. (eds) 2010. Seeing and Knowing: Understanding Rock Art With and Without Ethnography: 1-9. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
2010(e) Art and authorship in southern African rock-art: examining the Limpopo-Shashe Confluence Area (with E. Eastwood & G. Blundell). In: Blundell, G., Chippindale, C. & Smith, B.W. (eds) 2010. Seeing and Knowing: Understanding Rock Art With and Without Ethnography: 75-97. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
2011 (b) Débat avec les experts et discussion générale. In: Coye, N. (ed.) Lascaux et la Conservation en Milieu Souterrain. Actes du Symposium International, Paris, 26 et 27 Février 2009: 324-327. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
2012 (b) Working with Rock Art: recording, presenting and understanding rock art using indigenous knowledge (with K. Helskog & D. Morris). Johannesburg: Wits University Press. ISBN 978-1-86814-545-4.
2012 (c) Foreword (with K. Helskog & D. Morris). In: Smith, B.W., Helskog, K. & Morris, D. (eds) Working with Rock Art: recording, presenting and understanding rock art using indigenous knowledge: xi-xii. Johannesburg: Wits University Press.
2013 (b) Rock art research in Africa. In: Lane, P. & Mitchell, P. (eds) Handbook of African Archaeology: 145-162. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2014 (e) Chongoni rock art area. In Smith, C. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology: 1448-1452. New York: Springer.