Monica Blackmun Visona

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Associate Professor, School of Art and Visual Studies


University of Kentucky


Mailing Address

SAVS, 236 Bolivar
Lexington, KY 0090

Phone/Fax Number(s)

(859) 257-1398

Countries of Specialization

Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana; Kenya; Egypt; the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia)


Ph.D. Art History, University of California, Santa Barbara

Research Interests

History of African Art History, Akan arts, Cross-continental art historical links, Africa and global modernism, Africa and the contemporary art market

Teaching Interests

African architecture, African art history and world art, curatorial projects concerning African art and artists


They include: Constructing African Art Histories for the Lagoons of Cote d'Ivoire (Ashgate, 2010), co-editor with Gitti Salami of A Blackwell Companion to Modern African Art (Wiley, 2013), co-editor with Robin Poynor and H.M. Cole of A History of Art in Africa (Pearson 2010, Abrams 2000), “Agent Provocateur: The African Provenance and American Life of a Statue from Côte
d’Ivoire”, Art Bulletin, XCIV, 1 (March 2012): 99-­129);“Notes and Queries on Egypt’s Participation in the First World Festival of Negro Arts.” Africa e Mediterraneo 68 (2009): 71‑9.


Lagoons, agency, Modern African art, History of Art, Cote d'Ivoire