Pamela Chrabieh

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

Le Liban




SPNC Learning & Communication, Lebanon

Adresse électronique


Mansourieh, El-Metn



Pays de spécialisation

Southwestern Asia (Middle East)


Ph.D., Theology-Sciences of Religions, University of Montreal, Canada
M.A., Theology, Religions and Cultures, University of Montreal, Canada
Minor, Religious Sciences, University of Montreal, Canada
Higher Diploma (DES) Plastic Arts-Religious Arts and Icons’ Restoration, ALBA-University of Balamand, Lebanon

Dr. Chrabieh completed her doctoral dissertation in 2005 at the University of Montreal on sectarianism, interfaith dialogue and religions-politics relations in Lebanon, followed by two post-doctoral research projects from 2005 till 2008 on war memory, youth and peacebuilding, financed by the University of Montreal and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. She has a +20 year experience in research and university teaching in Canada, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.


War memory and Peacebuilding in Lebanon, Interfaith/Intercultural relations, diversity management, politics-religions relations in Southwestern Asia, theology of dialogue, youth and new media, women’s rights and gender studies in Southwestern Asia, migration studies, religious arts in Southwestern Asia and North Africa, communication, etc.


Religions of the Middle East, Religions of the World, Islamic Art and Architecture, Cultures of the Middle East, Women and Gender in the Middle East, Cultural Studies, Interfaith Dialogue ...



المرأة في غرب آسيا، رحلة إلى الماضي. دار المشرق، 'دراسات في الأديان'، بيروت، ٢٠١٣
Womanhood in Western Asia, A Journey to the Past (Beirut: Dar el-Machreq, 2013).
Quelle gestion des diversités au Liban ? Du confessionnalisme au pluralisme médiateur (Sarrebruck, Germany : Editions Universitaires Européennes, 2010).
La gestion de la diversité au Liban. Visions de jeunes du secondaire (Beirut : Dar el-Machreq, collection ‘Interaction islamo-chrétienne ’- Institut d’études islamo-chrétiennes de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, 2009).
Voix-es de paix au Liban. Contribution de jeunes de 25-40 ans à la reconstruction nationale (Beirut : Dar el-Machreq, collection ‘Interaction islamo-chrétienne ’- Institut d’études islamo-chrétiennes de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, 2008).
A la rencontre de l’Islam. Itinéraire d’une spiritualité composite et engagée (Montreal : Médiaspaul, Collection ‘Spiritualités en dialogue’, 2006).
Icônes du Liban, au carrefour du dialogue des cultures (Montreal : Carte Blanche, 2003).

Edited Books

Reeds from Red Lips (Gender and the Arts in Southwestern Asia), Pamela Chrabieh (ed.), Kindle-Amazon e-book Edition, 2017.
Pamela Chrabieh Badine, Salim Daccache s.j. (ed.), La gestion de la diversité religieuse (Liban-Québec). Perspectives comparatives dans les secteurs juridique, politique et éducatif (Beirut : Publications de la Faculté des Sciences Religieuses, Institut d’études islamo-chrétiennes, Université Saint-Joseph, 2010).

Book Chapters

'Introduction aux oeuvres de Libano-Canadiens-nes: Sami Aoun, Maria Mourani et Rawi Hage', La présence Libanaise dans le monde. Humanisme: culture et altérité, sous la direction de Jean-Maroun Maghamès, Presses de l'Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik, 2016, p. 29-44.
'Contemporary Feminisms in Lebanon: Lights in the Tunnel', in Shifting Identities: Changes in the Social, Political and Religious Structures in the Middle East, Mitri Raheb (ed.), Diyar Publishers, Bethlehem, 2016, p. 155-172.
‘On War and Memory’, in MOR-TUARY, Architecture Pamphlet by Samer Eid and SEARCH, Beirut, Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts (ALBA- University of Balamand), 2013, p.1-2 (Foreword).

‘Youth, New Media and Peace in the Middle East’, with Charlotte Karagheuzian, in Anthropology of the Middle East and North Africa, Sherine Hafez & Susan Slyomovics (ed.), Indiana University Press, 2013.

‘Youth and Peace: Alternative Voices in Lebanon’, The Metamorphosis of War. Plaw, Avery (Ed.) Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, NY, 2012, XVIII, p.149-165.

‘Civil and Human Rights in the Muslim World’, Modern Muslim Societies, Florian Pohl (ed.), New York (United States), Marshall Cavendish, 2010, p.168-187 (Chapter 8).

‘Contributions of young Lebanese Canadians to Peacebuilding in Lebanon’, Politics, Culture and the Lebanese Diaspora, Paul Tabar and Jennifer Skulte-Ouaiss (ed.), United Kingdom, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010, p.176-192.

‘Mémoires de guerre et blogosphère libanaise’, Mémoires de guerres au Liban (1975-1990), Franck Mermier et Christophe Varin (dir.), Arles, IFPO/Sindbad/Actes Sud, 2010, p.165-183.
‘Dialogues islamo-chrétiens au Liban’/ Islamic-Christian Dialogues in Lebanon’, Trait d’union Islam-Christianisme/ Hyphen Islam-Christianity, ed. By Nada Raphael, Electrochocks Productions - Editions (Montreal, Canada) and Arab Printing Press (Lebanon), 2009, p. 646-655.
‘Peut-on penser la fin de l’extrémisme islamique au Liban ?’, La religion à l’extrême, Martin Geoffroy et Jean-Guy Vaillancourt (dir.), Montreal, Médiaspaul, 2009, p.197-228.
‘Is it still relevant to talk about Religion, Democracy and Human Rights in Lebanon?’, The World’s Religions after September 11, ed. By Arvind Sharma (4 volumes, 996 p.), Santa Barbara (California, USA), Praeger Publishers, volume 1, chapter 8, 2008.

‘Breaking the Vicious Circle! Contributions of the 25-35 Lebanese Age Group’, Breaking the Cycle. Civil Wars in Lebanon, ed. By Youssef Choueiri, Center for Lebanese Studies (Oxford University) - Stacey International (London, United Kingdom), 2007, p.69-88.

'Le 11 septembre 2001 ou l’inauguration de l’ère du choc des identités?’, La mondialisation du phénomène religieux, Michel Gardaz, Martin Geoffroy, Jean-Guy Vaillancourt (dir.), Montreal, Médiaspaul, 2007, p.91-105.

‘L’engagement pour la réconciliation et la paix : actualisations de la pensée de Gibran Khalil Gibran’, Gibran K. Gibran, Pionnier de la Renaissance à venir (10 avril 1931- 10 avril 2006), Kaslik (Lebanon), Publications de l’Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik, Faculté des Lettres, 11, 2006, p.89-94.

For the Peer-Reviewed Articles (Scholarly Journals and Publications) and other publications - contact Dr. Chrabieh