Barbara Buntman

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

L'Afrique du Sud


University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Adresse électronique


7 Haven Road
Johannesburg 2193
South Africa


Art History
The School of Arts
University of the Witwatersrand
P.O. Wits, 2050
South Africa


phone: 27 11 646 2908
fax: 21 11 646 2735

Pays de spécialisation

South Africa


In relation to African Studies I teach and research in the following
areas: visual constructions of race and identity with particular emphasis
on KhoiSan in popular culture and the South African Tourist industry:
Southern San rock painting and engraving, Robben island as heritage and
tourist site, Ezrom Legae.


In relation to African Studies I teach and research in the following
areas: visual constructions of race and identity with particular emphasis
on KhoiSan in popular culture and the South African Tourist industry:
Southern San rock painting and engraving, Robben island as heritage and
tourist site, Ezrom Legae.


2002 "Travels to Otherness: Whose Identity do we want to see?" in Self-
and Other-images of Hunter-Gatherers, Senri-Ethnological Studies No 60,
National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan. (ISSN 00387-6004)

2002 "Entering a new era: Questioning the Possibilities of KhoiSan
Visual Self-representation." in Rural and Urban Development Conference,
2002, CD Rom, Irene: Document Transformation Technologies (ISBN:

2001 With Shannen Hill: "Clothing and Identity: " Exhibition review in
African Arts, XXXIV (Autumn), No 3, Los Angeles: University of California,
pp. 77-78, 96.

1999 With Rory Bester: "Bushman(ia) and Photographic Intervention",
African Arts, XXXII (Winter), No 4, Los Angeles: University of California,
pp. 50-59, 93-94.

1999 "Whose identity do we see?: Tourist Industry photographs of
Southern African Khoisan", Encounters with photography: Photographing
People in Southern Africa, 1860-1999, Published proceedings of Conference
held in Cape Town, 14-17 July, 1999, South African Museum.

1998 "'Primitives, paintings and Paradoxes: representations of Southern
San Imagery on South African Studio Ceramics from the 1950s.", in Gers,
Wendy, Ed., South African Studio Ceramics: A Selection from the 1950s,
Port Elizabeth: King George VI Art Gallery, pp 30-34.


KhoiSan ; popular culture ; visual anthropology ; heritage ; identity.