Sumit Srivastava
Domaine de recherche | Asie du Sud |
Pays de résidence | L'Inde |
Titre | Dr. |
Affiliation | University of Allahabad |
Adresse électronique | |
Adresse | Dr. Sumit Saurabh Srivastava
Pays de spécialisation | India |
Éducation | M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. |
Recherche | Development Studies
Enseignement | Development Studies
Publications | Journal Articles 2007. “Violence and Dalit women’s resistance in rural Bihar”, Indian Anthropologist, 37(2): 31-44. 2011. “Seminar Report: Exploring disability experience in social science research”, Indian Anthropologist, 41(1): 101-106. 2012. “State, Senas and sites of violence: Bearing of A.R. Desai’s works on the understanding of Rural Bihar”, The Eastern Anthropologist, 65(1): 33-52. 2013. “How near, how far: India and environment related Millennium Development Goals (MDG)”, Journal of Social and Political Studies, IV(2): 116-136. 2013. “Entrepreneur & entrepreneurship in the era of globalisation: Some observations from India”, Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences, June, 18(1): 94-111. 2013-14. “Public Policy and Gender Budgeting in India”, Research Journal of Politics and Administration, IX-XII: 28-41. 2014. “Revisiting partition, 1947: Gender, community and violence”, Social Action, April-June, Vol. 64, pp. 123-135. 2014. “Disciplining the ‘Desire’: ‘Straight’ State and LGBT Activism in India”, Sociological Bulletin, 63(3): 368-385. 2014. “Emergence of Backward Castes in Bihar Politics: Coalition, Alignment and Dominance”, The Indian Journal of Political Science, November-December, LXXV(4): 675-686. 2015. "UN Security Council Resolution 1325: Towards engendering peace building process", Review of Politics, XXIII(1-2): 38-48. 2016. “Ambedkar’s Feminist Legacy: Some Explorations”, Women’s Link, Vol. 22, No. 3, July – September, pp. 16-21. 2017. 'Aspiring modernity, lingering traditionalism: explorations of clientele & patronage politics in India', The Eastern Anthropologist, 70(1-2): 21-38. Book Chapters 2011. “Bodhgaya land movement: A struggle for women and land rights”, in M.N. Singh et al. (eds.) Gramin Mahilayein evam ling bhed. Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University (UPRTOU), Allahabad: Allahabad. Uttar Pradesh. pp. 93-99. [ISBN: 978-81-921668-2-7]. 2013. “Gender justice, marginalization and violence: Dalit women in rural Bihar”, in Ashish Saxena (ed.) Marginality, Exclusion and Social Justice. Jaipur: Rawat Publications. pp. 261-278. [ISBN: 978-81-316-0568-4]. 2013. “Feminist epistemology: Issues and debates”, in U.S. Bist (ed.) Contemporary Philosophy. Volume I. New Delhi: Satyam Publishing House. pp. 215-222. [ISBN: 978-93-81632-63-5]. 2013. “Role of women’s movements in advancing gender justice in India”, in Kamlesh Gupta, Trivikram Tiwari and Nandini Basistha (eds.) Changing Dimensions of Social Justice in the New Global Era: Indian Experiences. New Delhi: Pentagon Press. pp. 192-208. [ISBN: 978-81-8274-655-8]. 2015. "Globalisation and transnational women's activism: Some preliminary observations", in Kamlesh Gupta (ed.): Social movements and state in new global era. New Delhi: K.K. Publications. pp. 292-316. [ISBN: 978-81-7844-227-3]. Book Review 2012. Rowena Robinson & Joseph Marianus Kujur (eds.) 2010. Margins of Faith: Dalit and Tribal Christianity in India. New Delhi: SAGE. [ISBN: 978-81-21-0467-4 (HB)]. Indian Anthropologist, [ISSN/ ISBN No.: 0970-0927], 42(1): 91-93. 2013. Martha C. Nussbaum. Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach. Ranikhet, Permanent Black, 2011, Hardbound, xii + 237 pp., Rs. 595. [ISBN 81-7824- 329-6 (HB)]. The Eastern Anthropologist, 66 (2-3): 367-369. 2013. Dev Nathan and Virginius Xaxa (eds.) 2012. Social Exclusion and Adverse Inclusion: Development and Deprivation of Adivasis in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Pages i-xxii and 335. [ISBN.10:0-19-807893-5]. IASSI-Quarterly, [ISSN/ ISBN No.: 0970-9061], 32(2): 105-107. 2013. Nivedita Menon. 2012. Seeing Like a Feminist. New Delhi: Zubaan & Penguin Books India. [ISBN: 978-0143067429 (PB)], pp. xii+252. Indian Anthropologist, [ISSN/ ISBN No.: 0970-0927], :43(2): 87-88. 2014. Kalyani Devi Menon. 2012. Everyday nationalism: women of the Hindu right in India. New Delhi: Social Science Press. Pp. viii+224. Price Rs. 650/-. Man & Development, [ISSN/ ISBN No.: 0258-0438], March, XXXVI(1): 147-149. 2016. Ranjana Padhi. 2012. Those who did not die: impact of the agrarian crisis on women in Punjab. New Delhi: Sage Publications. The Book Review, Volume XL, Number 7, July 2016, pp. 34. 2016. T.N. Madan (ed.). 2013. Sociology at the University of Lucknow: The First Half Century (1921–1975). Society and Culture in South Asia, July, (2): 314-316. 2016. Anjali Dave. Women survivors of violence: Genesis and growth of a state support system. Sociological Bulletin, Vol. 65, No. 2, May - August, pp. 295-298. Obituary 2012. Professor B.K. Roy Burman. Indian Anthropologist, [ISSN/ ISBN No.: 0970-0927], 42(2): 114-115. |
Mots-clés | Caste, Gender, Violence, India |