Padraig R. Carmody

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence



Lecturer in Geography


St. Patrick's College, Dublin, Ireland


Mailing Address

St. Patrick's College
Dublin 9

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: 353-1-8842159

Countries of Specialization

South Africa ; Zimbabwe.

Research Interests

Also: Research Associate, Center for International Studies, Dublin City University.

Research interests: Globalization and Corporate Restructuring in South Africa ; the
Impacts of Economic Liberalization on the Development of Manufacturing in Africa
and other Developing Areas ; Civil Society, Poverty Alleviation and Development



Tearing the Social Fabric: Neoliberalism, Deindustrialization, and the Crisis of
Governance in Zimbabwe. Heinemann Press, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 2001.


"Transforming Globalisation and Security: Africa and America Post-9/11"
forthcoming, Africa Today, Fall 2005.

"The Spatial Paradox of Globalisation", Geographical Viewpoint, Volume 31, pp.
7-17, 2003.

With Scott Taylor, "Industry and the Urban Sector in Zimbabwe's Political Economy",
African Studies Quarterly, 2003, Vol. 7, Issue 2 and 3, Fall 2003.

"Between Globalisation and (Post)Apartheid: The Political Economy of Restructuring
in South Africa", Journal of Southern African Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 255-275,

With Jim Glassman: "Structural Adjustment in East and South-East Asia: Lessons from
Latin America", Geoforum, 32, pp. 79-90, 2001.

"Constructing Alternatives to Structural Adjustment in Africa", Review of African
Political Economy, No. 75, pp. 25-46, 1998.

"Neoclassical Practice and the Collapse of Industry in Zimbabwe: the Cases of
Textiles, Clothing, and Footwear", Economic Geography, Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 319-343,

Book chapters:

"The Liberalization of Underdevelopment or the Criminalization of the State?
Contrasting Explanations of Africa's Politico-Economic Crisis under Globalisation",
in Ikubolojeh Logan (ed.) Globalization, the Third World State and Poverty
Alleviation in the Twenty-First Century, Ashgate, London, 2002.

Other publications:

Review of Making Sense of Governance: Empirical Evidence from 16 Developing
Countries by Goran Hyden, Julius Court and Kenneth Mease, Boulder, CO, Lynne
Rienner, 2004, Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 400-401, 2005.

Review of Alternative Economic Spaces, Andrew Leyshon, Roger Lee and Colin C.
Williams (eds.), London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, SAGE, 2003, forthcoming Annals
of the Association of American Geographers.

"Comment on Geography in Transition in Ireland", Irish Geography, Volume 37 (2)
2004, pp. 137-139.

"Continuites and Contradictions in Zimbabwe's Political Economy". Review of Staffan
Darnolf and Lissa Laakso (eds.), Twenty Years of Independence in Zimbabwe: From
Liberation to Authoritarianism, New York, Palgrave MacMillan 2003 for H-SAfrica
listserv, September 2004.

Foreword to Irish Social Expenditure in Comparative International Context, by Virpi
Timonen, Institute of Public Administration, Dublin, 2003.

Comment on "The Irish Tax-Benefit System", Journal of the Social and and
Statistical Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2003.

"Sustaining Progress: A Poverty Assessment" in Action on Poverty Today, Summer
2003, No. 2.

"Working Towards a Poverty-Free Society", submission to the National Action Plan
Against Poverty and Social Exclusion, lead author with others, Combat Poverty
Agency, Dublin, 2003.

"Securing Progress: Delivering Inclusion", submission on the new social partnership
agreement, Combat Poverty Agency, Dublin, 2002.

"Open Sesame! Liberalization and Zimbabwe's Textile Industry" in Ngqo! An Economic
Bulletin published by the South African National Institute for Economic Policy,
Vol. 1, No. 5, October, 1999.


globalization ; development strategies ; liberalization ; manufacturing ; civil society.