Olayiwyola Abegunrin

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Professor of International Relations and Political Economy


Howard University, Washington, DC

Adresse électronique



Department of Political Science
Howard University
Washington, DC 20059 USA

Other mail address:
7427 Jefferson Street
New Carrollton, Maryland 20784 USA


phone: (202) 806-6720 / (202) 238-2389
fax: (301) 459-4235

Pays de spécialisation

Nigeria, Zimbabwe, South Africa, etc.


Olayiwola Abegunrin's research and publications focus on international relations, African
Politics, Political Enonomy and Economic Development, and U.S. foreign
policy towards Africa. He taught International Relations at Obafemi
Awolowo University (formerly University of Ife), Ile-Ife, Nigeria
(1980-1990). For the period 1986-1988 he was Chairman of the Department
of International Relations. He was a Visiting Professor at the
Departments of Political Science, and Afro-American and African Studies,
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC. (1988-1990). He has
previously taught at the University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus
(1992-1993), and was Research Scholar at the Institute of International
Relations of Cameroon, Yaounde, Cameroon (1981).


He is Professor of International Relations and Political
Economy at the Department of Political science, Howard University,
Washington, D.C. and an Adjunct Professor, Woodrow Wilson Department of
Government and Foreign Affairs, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
Dr. Abegunrin holds a Ph.D. in International Relations, African Studies and
Political Economy from Howard University.



Nigerian Foreign Policy Under Military Rule 1966-1999 (forthcoming,
Greenwood Press, 2002), Nigeria and the Struggle for the Liberation of
Zimbabwe: A Study of Foreign Policy Decision-Making of An Emerging Nation
(Stockholm, Sweden: Bethany Books, 1992), and Economic Dependence and
Regional Cooperation in Southern Africa: SADCC and South Africa (Lewiston,
NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1990)


U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Southern Africa: Andrew Young and Beyond
(London: Macmillan Press, joint publication with St. Martin's Press, New
York, 1987).


The Political Economy of South-South Cooperation: Towards A New
International Economic Order (Stockholm, Sweden: Bethany Books 1998), and
African Development: The OAU/Lagos Plan of Action and Beyond
(Lawrenceville, VA: Brunswick Publishing Company, 1985).

He has also contributed chapters to books and his articles have appeared
in scholarly and internationally recognized journals, including:
International Affairs (London), African Studies (UCLA), African Studies of
China, Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives (Stockholm,
Sweden), International Journal on World Peace, and many others.


International relations, African Politics, Political Enonomy, Development, U.S. foreign policy