Barbara M. Cooper

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Associate Professor of History


Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey

Adresse électronique


Director, Center for African Studies
202 Beck Hall
99 Avenue E
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8045 USA


phone: (732) 445-1194
fax: (732) 445-6637

Pays de spécialisation

West Africa


History of evangelical missions in Africa ; Colonial history, gender and religion.


2006 Evangelical Christians in the Muslim sahel. African systems of
thought. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
***Winner of the 2007 Melville J. Herskovits Award
from the African Studies Association of the United States.

2001 "The Strength in the Song: Muslim Personhood, Audible Capital and
Hausa Women's Performance of the Hajj," in Gendered Modernities:
Ethnographic Perspectives, edited by Dorothy Hodgson, Palgrave.
pp. 79-104.

2001 "The Politics of Difference and Women's Associations in Niger: Of
Prostitute, the Public, and Politics,"in "Wicked" Women and
Reconfiguration of Gender in Africa, edited by Sheryl McCurdy and
Dorothy Hodgson, Heinemann: pp. 255-273.

2000 "Ferdinand Oyono's Houseboy: Intimate Colonialism and the Arts of
Resistance," in African Novels in the Classroom, edited by Jean
Hay, Heinemann, pp. 229-240.

1998 "Gender and Religion in Hausaland: Variations in Islamic Practice
in Niger and Nigeria," in Diversity Within Unity: Gender Dynamics
and Change in Muslim Societies, edited by Herbert Bodman and Nayereh
Tohidi, Lynne Rienner, pp. 21-37.

1998 "Niger: Peoples and Cultures" in Encyclopedia of Sub-Saharan
Africa, edited by John Middleton et al. Charles Scribner's Sons
Reference Books, 1998, vol. 3, pp. 300-1.

1997 Marriage in Maradi : gender and culture in a Hausa society in Niger,
1900-1989. Social history of Africa. Portsmouth, NH : Heinemann;
Oxford : J. Currey, c1997.

1997 "Gender, Movement, and History: Social and Spatial Transformations
in 20th Century Maradi, Niger," in Environment and Planning
Development: Society and Space, 15 (1997): 195-221. [ French edition:
<< Le genre sexuel, le mouvement et l'histoire :transformations sociales
spatiales au XXè siècle à Maradi au Niger >>,
translated by Denise Ganderton and reprinted in Géographies
Anglo-Saxonnes: Tendances contemporaines, edited by
Jean-François Staszak et al, Berlin, 2001, 80-94.]


evangelical missions ; Islam ; colonialism ; gender.