Jeremy Coote

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Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord




Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

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Pitt Rivers Museum
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South Sudan ; East Africa.


Aesthetics, art, and material culture. Museum collections and related
museological issues. South Sudan and East Africa.


1978. Review of Ethnogeography of the Bahr el Ghazal, by Stefano Santandrea (Bologna, 1981), in Sudan Notes and Records, Vol. 59, pp. 193–5.

1981. Review of World on a Glass Plate: Early Anthropological Photographs from the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, edited by Elizabeth Edwards and Lynne Williamson (Oxford, 1981), in JASO, Vol. 12, no. 2, p. 146.

1981. Review of Vol. I, no. 1 of Journal of Research on Northeast Africa (N.E.A.) , Oxford, 1981), in JASO, Vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 220–21.

1983 (with Burkhard Schnepel). ‘Recent Research in the Sudan’, in JASO, Vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 337–41.

1984 (as ‘J.C.’). Review of A Concise Bibliography of Northern Chad and Fezzan in Southern Libya, edited by Mohamed A. Alawar (Wisbech, 1983), in JASO, Vol. XV, no. 1, p. 74.

1984. Review of Sudan at the Crossroads, by Charles Gurdon (Wisbech, 1984), in JASO, Vol. XV, no. 3, pp. 261–2.

1984. Review of Race and Racism, by Ruth Benedict (London, 1983), in JASO, Vol. XV, no. 3, p. 266. [ISSN 0044–8370]

1985. Review of The Ait ‘Atta of Southern Morocco: Daily Life and Recent History, by David Hart (Wisbech, 1984), in JASO, Vol. 16, no. 3, p. 246.

1985. Review of Ethnic Sculpture, by Malcolm McLeod and John Mack (London, 1985), in JASO, Vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 247–8.

1985. Review of Planning and Development in Modern Libya, edited by M. M. Buru and others (Wisbech, n.d. [1985]), in JASO, Vol. 16, no. 3, p. 252.

1986. Review of Research in African Literatures (Vol. 15, no. 2 (Summer 1984; Special Issue on African Oral Narrative, edited by Verokina Görög-Karady) of (Austin, TX, 1984)) and Technicians of the Sacred: A Range of Poetries from Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, edited by Jermome Rothenberg (Berkeley, 1985), in JASO, Vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 71–3.

1986. ‘Letter’ (reply to McLeod and Mack), in JASO, Vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 81–2.

1986 (as J.C.). Review of The Sudan: Unity and Diversity in a Multicultural State, by John Obert Voll and Sarah Potts Voll (Boulder, 1985), in JASO, Vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 179–80.

1986 (as J.C.). Review of Ignorance is the Enemy of Love, by Faarax M. J. Cawl (London, 1982), in JASO, Vol. 17, no. 2, p. 180. [ISSN 0044–8370]

1987 (as J.C.). ‘Nilo-Saharan Studies’, in JASO, Vol. 18, no. 3, p. 302.

1989 ‘Modern Makonde Carving: The Origins and Development of a New
African Art Tradition’, in Makonde: Wooden Sculpture from East Africa:
From the Malde Collection (catalogue of an exhibition of the same
name held at The Museum of Modern Art, Oxford from 2 April 1989 to 21
May 1989; and elsewhere), Oxford: The Museum of Modern Art, pp. 13–22.

1992 (editor, with Anthony Shelton). Anthropology, Art, and
Aesthetics (Oxford Studies in the Anthropology of Cultural Forms),
Oxford: Clarendon Press.

1992. ‘“Marvels of Everyday Vision”: The Anthropology of Aesthetics
and the Cattle Keeping Nilotes’, in Anthropology, Art, and Aesthetics
(Oxford Studies in the Anthropology of Cultural Forms), edited by
Jeremy Coote and Anthony Shelton), Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.

1994. ‘Introduction’ to Kinyozi: The Art of African Hairstyles, by
Louise Tythacott (Green Centre Catalogues and Occasional Papers
Series No. 1), Brighton: The Green Centre for Non Western Art and
Culture at the Royal Pavilion, Art Gallery and Museums, pp. 6–7.

1994 (with Simon Mee). Kuba Textiles at the Pitt Rivers Museum
(brochure for Kuba Textiles, an exhibition held at the Pitt Rivers
Museum, University of Oxford, from 21 January 1995 to 29 April 1995),
Oxford: Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford.

1995. ‘Traditions of Transformation: An Introduction to the Art of
African Metalwork’, in African Metalwork (catalogue of an exhibition
of the same name held at the Crafts Council Gallery, London, from 14
September 1995 to 19 November 1995; and elsewhere), London: Crafts
Council, pp. 7–23.

1996. ‘Africa, I. Introduction, 4. Religion, (ii) Christianity’, in
Volume 1 of The Dictionary of Art, edited by Jane Turner, London:
Macmillan, pp. 227–8.

1996 (with John Mack). ‘Africa, VII. Regions, 7. East Africa’, in
Volume 1 of The Dictionary of Art, edited by Jane Turner, London:
Macmillan, pp. 406–13.

1996 (with Dunja Hersak; area editor for Africa and the Pacific). The
Dictionary of Art (36 volumes) edited by Jane Turner, London:

1997 ‘Art: Eastern Africa’, in Volume 1 of Encylopedia of Africa
South of the Sahara, edited by John Middleton, New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, pp. 120–32.

1997 (with Elizabeth Edwards). ‘Images of Benin at the Pitt Rivers
Museum’, in African Arts, Vol. 30, no. 4 (Autumn 1997), pp. 26–35,

1999. ‘Leave the kiteki Alone [review of The Scramble for Art in
Central Africa, edited by Enid Schildkrout and Curtis A. Keim
(Cambridge, 1998)]’, The Times Literary Supplement, no. 5014 (7
May), p. 9.

1999. Review of African Art: An Aesthetic Enquiry (Aesthetica
Upsaliensia 6), by Mohamed A. Abusabib (Uppsala, 1995), African Arts,
Vol. 32, no. 2 (Summer), pp. 17, 87.

2000 (with Chris Morton). ‘A Glimpse of the Guinea Coast: Regarding
an African Exhibition at the Pitt Rivers Museum’, Journal of Museum
Ethnography, no. 12, pp. 39–56.

2000 (with Chris Morton and Julia Nicholson). Transformations: The
Art of Recycling (catalogue of an exhibition of the same name held at
the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, from 25 March 2000 to
September 2001), Oxford: Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford.

2000 (with John Hobart, Peter Mitchell, Marina de Alarcón, and Gywneira Isaac). ‘Early Rock Art Records in the Collections of The Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford’, Southern African Field Archaeology, no. 9, pp. 43–54.

2000 (with Ahmed Al-Shahi). ‘Introduction’ to ‘Dinkas: People of the Southern Sudan’, by Godfrey Lienhardt (edited by Ahmed Al-Shahi and Jeremy Coote), in JASO: Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, Vol. 31, no. 3 (Michaelmas), pp. 247–50.

2000 (with Alison Brown and Chris Gosden). ‘Tylor’s Tongue: Material Culture, Evidence, and Social Networks’, in JASO: Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, Vol. XXXI, no. 3 (Michaelmas), pp. 257–76.

2002 (with John Hobart and Peter Mitchell). ‘A Rock Art Pioneer: Louis E. Tylor, and Previously Undescribed Painted Rock Fragments from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa’, Southern African Humanities, Vol. 14, pp. 65–78.

2004. ‘Rock Music [letter]’, Antiquity (online at < >, June 2004).

2004. ‘Southern African Rock Art’, The Friends of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, Newsletter, no. 48 (April), p. 7.

2004. Review of Museums & History in West Africa, edited by Claude Daniel Ardouin and Emmanuel Arinze (Washington, DC, and London 2000), in African Affairs, Vol. 103 (no. 411, April), pp. 307–8.

2004 (with Chris Morton). Review of Encounters with Africa: Cheltenham’s Collections Revealed, an exhibition held at Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum from 24 November 2002 to 16 February 2003, Journal of Museum Ethnography, no. 16, pp. 173–6.

2006. ‘“Marvels of Everyday Vision”: The Anthropology of Aesthetics and the Cattle-Keeping Nilotes’, in Howard Morphy and Morgan Perkins (eds), The Anthropology of Art: A Reader (Blackwell Anthologies in Social and Cultural Anthropology), Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 281–301.

2006 (with Chris Morton, Rachael Sparks et al.). Recovering the Material and Visual Cultures of the Southern Sudan, Oxford: Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, at .

2007. ‘Grave Figure. South-Western Sudan’, in Laurence Mattet, ed., Arts of Africa and Oceania: Highlights from the Musée Barbier-Mueller, Geneva: Musée Barbier-Mueller, pp. 249, 391.

2007. ‘Figure Tombale. Sud-Soudan. Bongo ou Belanda Mbegumba?’, in Laurence Matter, ed., Arts d’Afrique ed d’Océanie: Fleurons du Musée Barbier-Mueller, Geneva: Musée Barbier-Mueller, pp. 249, 391.

2008. ‘Art, Regional Styles: Eastern Africa’, in Volume 1 of New Encylopedia of Africa (second edition), edited by John Middleton and Joseph C. Miller, Detroit etc.: Thomson Gale (Charles Scribner’s Sons), pp. 156–66.

2008 (with Jill Salmons). ‘Mermaids and Mami Wata on Brassware from Old Calabar’, in Sacred Waters: Arts for Mami Wata and Other Divinities in Africa and the Diaspora (African Expressive Cultures), edited by Henry Drewal, Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press (2008), pp. 258–75.

2010. ‘An Incidental Collection: Objects Donated by Wilfred Thesiger to the Pitt Rivers Museum’, in Christopher Morton and Philip Grover (eds), Wilfred Thesiger in Africa, London: HarperPress, pp. 116–26.

2011. ‘“The Complete Accoutrements of an Inhabitant of the Mandingo Country’: An Eighteenth-Century Collection from West Africa at the Pitt Rivers Museum’, Journal of Museum Ethnography, no. 24 (2011), pp. 150–66.

2012. ‘“Marvels of Everyday Vision”: The Anthropology of Aesthetics and the Cattle-Keeping Nilotes’, in Museum Objects: Experiencing the Properties of Things (Leicester Readers in Museum Studies), edited by Sandra H. Dudley, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 214–40.

2013. ‘“To Sally Forth & Collect”: A Further Note on an Eighteenth-Century Collection from West Africa’, Journal of Museum Ethnography, no. 26 (2013), pp. 116–19.


aesthetics ; art ; material culture.