Colin Darch

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

L'Afrique du Sud




University of Cape Town, South Africa; Human Sciences Research Council

Adresse électronique


Room 6.25 (DGRU)
Kramer Law Building, Middle Campus, UCT
Rondebosch, 7700
South Africa


phone: +27-82-959-9349

Site de web

Pays de spécialisation



B.A. University of Oxforf
PhD University of Bradford


My two main research areas are contemporary Mozambican political
history, especially from 1969 to 1977; and the political economy of
the current information crisis in Africa, especially with regard to
intellectual property issues and the sustainability of libraries and
other information systems.


1. Education and social change: readings on selected issues and cases. /
A. G. M. Ishumi and T. L. Maliyamkono, Colin Darch, eds. - Dar es Salaam:
Black Star, 1980. - 262p.

2. A Soviet view of Africa: an annotated bibliography on Ethiopia, Somalia
and Djibouti. / Colin Darch. - Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980. - xxxvi, 200p. -
(Bibliographies and Guides in African Studies)

3. Africa Index to Continental Periodical Literature. No. 3. / Colin
Darch, O. C. Mascarenhas. - Munich: K. G. Saur Verlag, 1981. - 191p.

4. Africa Index to Continental Periodical Literature. No. 4/5. / Colin
Darch. - Munich: K. G. Saur Verlag, 1983. - xxii, 375p.

5. Tanzania. / Colin Darch. - Oxford: Clio Press, 1985. - 316p. - (World
Bibliographic Series, vol. 54)

6. Africa Index to continental periodical literature. No. 6. / Colin
Darch, Alice Nkhoma-Wamunza. - Munich: K. G. Saur, Hans Zell, 1985. -

7. Mozambique. / Colin Darch, Calisto Pacheleke - Oxford: Clio Press,
1987. - xxvi, 360p. - (World Bibliographic Series, vol. 78)

8. Policy, planning and cooperation: smart solutions for information
provision. / Derrick Young, Colin Darch, Hans de Roos, June Matlala,
Tselane Morolo, Mary Nassimbeni, Lindiwe Ndaki and John Tsebe. - Pretoria:
NCHE, July 1996. - vi, 123p. - (National Commission on Higher Education.
Working Group on Libraries and Information Technology. Report). -

9. Tanzania. / Colin Darch. - Rev. ed. - Oxford: Clio Press, 1996. -
xxxii, 379p. - (World Bibliographic Series, vol. 54).

10. 426 days: the political transition to independence in Mozambique,
1974-1975 / Colin Darch. - In preparation.

Selected Articles, Chapters in Books, and Book Reviews

1. Escritos e investigação sobre Moçambique,
1975-1980. / Colin Darch. // In: Estudos Moçambicanos. - Maputo. -
no. 1. - 1980. - p. 111-120.

2. As publicações da FRELIMO: um estudo preliminar. / Colin
Darch. // In: Estudos Moçambicanos. - Maputo. - no. 2. - 1981. - p.

3. Trabalho migratório na Africa Austral: um apontamento
crítico sobre a literatura existente. / Colin Darch. // In: Estudos
Moçambicanos. - Maputo. - no. 3. - 1981. - p. 81-96.

4. Writings and research on Mozambique, 1975-1980. / Colin Darch. // In:
Mozambican Studies. - Amsterdam. - no. 1. - 1980 [publ. 1982]. - p.

5. Western imperialism in the 1930s. / Colin Darch. // In: Africa Today.
- Denver. - vol. 29 no. 2. - 2nd quarter 1982. - p. 69-70. - Book review.

6. Migrant labour in southern Africa: a bibliographic note. / [Colin
Darch]. // In: Black gold: the Mozambican miner, proletarian and peasant.
/ Ruth First. - Brighton: Harvester Press, 1983. - p. 195-211.

7. Published documentation of the Party FRELIMO: a preliminary study. /
Colin Darch. // In: Mozambican Studies. - Amsterdam. - no. 2. - 1981
[publ. 1983]. - p. 104-125.

8. Endre Sik and the development of African studies in the USSR: a study
agenda from 1929. / Colin Darch, Gary Littlejohn. // In: History in
Africa. - vol. 10. - 1983. - p. 79-108.

9. The state of contemporary library development in Tanzania in the
context of NATIS. / C. M. Darch, J. C. Gera, J. M. Newa. // In: Annals of
Library Science and Documentation. - New Delhi. - vol. 30 no. 3/4. -
1983. - p. 166-176.

10. Cabo Delgado: fontes para uma história da luta armada e para
uma economia política do Planalto de Mueda. / [Colin Darch]. // In:
Não vamos esquecer: boletim informativo da Oficina de
História. - Maputo. - no. 1. - February 1983. - p. 38-41.

11. The myth of Nestor Makhno. / Colin Darch. // In: Economy and Society.
- London. - vol. 14 no. 4. - 1985. - p. 524-536. - Review article.

12. The writings of Samora Machel: a bibliographic note. / Colin Darch. //
In: An African revolutionary: selected writings and speeches. / Translated
by Michael Wolfers, introduction by Barry Munslow. - London: Zed, 1985. -
p. 200-204.

13. Notas sobre fontes estatísticas oficiais referentes é
economia colonial moçambicana: uma crítica geral. / Colin
Darch. // In: Estudos Moçambicanos. - Maputo. - no. 4. 1983-1985. -
p. 103-125.

14. Class and state in Tanzanian development. / Colin Darch. // In: Africa
Today. - Denver. - vol. 32 no. 4. - 4th quarter 1985. - p. 68-70.

15. Endre Sik e o desenvolvimento dos estudos africanos na URSS: uma
agenda de estudos a partir de 1929. / Colin Darch and Gary Littlejohn. //
In: Cadernos de História. - Maputo. - no. 6. - November 1987. - p.

16. [Review of] Guide to current national bibliographies in the third
world. / Colin Darch. // In: International Journal of African Historical
Studies. - Boston. - vol. 22, no. 2. - 1989. - p. 330-331.

17. Are there warlords in provincial Mozambique? Questions of the social
base of MNR banditry. / Colin Darch. // In: Review of African Political
Economy. - Sheffield. - no. 45/46. - 1989. - p. 34-49.

18. East Africa through Soviet eyes. / Colin Darch. // In: Journal of
African History. - London. - vol. 31, no. 2. - 1990. - p. 328-329. -Book

19. Africa Austral: as forças em jogo. / Colin Darch. // In: A
Africa do Sul hoje: a voz da média. / Organizadores: Caetana
Damasceno and others. - Rio de Janeiro: Instituto de Estudos da
Religião, ISER, 1991. - p. 73-80.

20. A guerra e as mudanças sociais recentes em Moçambique
(1986-1992): cenórios para o futuro. / Colin Darch. // In: Estudos
Afro-Asiáticos. - Rio de Janeiro. - no. 23. - December 1992. - p.

21. Ethiopian resistance. / Colin Darch. // In: Journal of African
History. - London. - vol. 34, no. 1. - 1993. - p. 154-155. - Book review.

22. The book trade and publishing in Mozambique. / Colin Darch. // African
Book Publishing Record. - Oxford. - vol. 19, no. 1. - 1993. - p. 9-12.

23. The Western Cape Library Cooperative Project: levelling the playing
field in the 1990s. / Colin Darch. // In: Survival Strategies in African
University Libraries: New Technologies in the Service of Information.
Proceedings from a workshop, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2-5
August 1993. Editors: Helga Atkinson Patrikios, Lisbeth A. Levey. -
Washington DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1994.
- p. 17-24

24. The economics of information and the information society: is social
equity still on the agenda in the 1990s? / Colin Darch. // In: Innovation.
- Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. - no. 10. - June 1995. -p. 3-12.

25. Unity before unification? South Africa's LIS organisations and the
prospects for a single structure. / Colin Darch. // In: Proceedings of
the Second National LIWO Conference held in Pietermaritzburg, 20-21 July
1995. - Pietermaritzburg: LIWO, 1995. - p.4-10

26. Problems in the training and education of LIS practitioners in
Portuguese-speaking Africa: the case of Mozambique. / Colin Darch. // In:
Education for librarianship and informa-tion science in Africa. - Ed.
Michael Wise. - Uppsala: Uppsala University Library, 1999. - p.35-55.

27. Academic library consortia in contemporary South Africa. / Colin
Darch, Joan Rapp, Peter G. Underwood. // In: Library Consortium
Management. - vol.1, no.1/2. - 1999. - p.23-32.

28. Dirt road or yellow brick superhighway- Information and communication
technology in academic libraries of South Africa. / Colin Darch, Peter G.
Underwood. // In: Library Hi Tech. - vol.17, no.3. - 1999. - p.285-297.

29. 'Não temos a possibilidade de herdar nada de Portugal': as
raízes do exclusivismo político em Moçambique,
1969-1977. / Colin Darch, David Hedges. // In: Territórios da
língua portuguesa-culturas, sociedades, políticas: anais do
IV Congresso Luso-Africano-Brasileiro, 1 a 5 de setembro de 1996. - Ed.
Glaucia Villas Bóas. - Rio de Janeiro: IFCS, 1999. - p.135-149.

30. The unsustainable library: does the Internet really help us in Africa?
/ Colin Darch. // In: Progressive Librarian. - New York. - no.17. - Summer
2000. - p.35-43.

31. The Alexandrian library, digital resources, and the shrinking public
domain: a critique of the current model for delivering academic
information in Africa. / Colin Darch. // In: Dar es Salaam Library Science
Journal. - Forthcoming.

32. Frog voices, whispers and silences: problems and issues in collecting
for an African studies library in Africa. / Colin Darch. // In: The
Reference Librarian. - In preparation.

33. Samora Machel na Beira, junho de 1975: discurso político na
transição para a independéncia moçambicana. /
Colin Darch, David Hedges. // In: Estudos Afro-Asiáticos. - Rio de
Janeiro. - In preparation


political history ; political economy ; crisis ; intellectual property ; libraries ; information sys