Peter U. C. Dieke

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence



Professor of Tourism


University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria


Mailing Address

Department of Archaeology & Tourism
University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: +234-816-031-3362; +234-805-242-4805


Countries of Specialization

Ethiopia, The Gambia, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda.


BA, University of Nigeria
MSc., University of Massachusetts
PhD, University of Strathclyde

Research Interests

My research and publications interests are in the development of tourism. Within this specialist area, I focus on policy, planning and implementation strategies for the less developed world, with a regional interest in sub-Saharan Africa, and have published widely in these areas.

Teaching Interests

My teaching specialties include sustainable tourism, tourism policy and planning, tourism in less developed countries, global understanding of tourism, conservation economics, hospitality and transport efficiency/productivity modelling, ecotourism, and resort development.


(a) Books

Editorship of Books
Robinson, Peter, Sine Heitmann and Peter U. C. Dieke (Eds.) (2011), Research Themes for Tourism, Wallingford, Oxford: CABI.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (Ed.) (2000) The Political Economy of Tourism Development in Africa. Elmsford, New York: Cognizant.

Seaton, A V, C L Jenkins, R C Wood, P U C Dieke, M M Bennett, L R MacLellan, R Smith (Eds). (1994), Tourism: The State of the Art. Chichester, UK: John Wiley.

Chapters in Books
Dieke, Peter U. C. (2015), Transactional Analysis, Tourism, In Jafar Jafari and Chris. Honggen Xiao (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, New York: Springer.

Daniels, Margaret J., Peter U. C. Dieke and Marielle Barrow (2012) Civil War Tourism: Perspectives from Manassas National Battlefield Park. In Richard W. Butler and Wantanee Suntikul (Eds.), Tourism and War, London: Routledge, pp. 232-244.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2011), Aspects of Tourism Development, In Peter Robinson, Sine Heitmann and Peter U. C. Dieke (Eds.), Research Themes for Tourism, Wallingford, Oxford: CABI, pp. 16-30.

Robinson, Peter, Sine Heitmann and Peter U. C. Dieke (2011), Research Themes in Tourism: An Introduction, In Peter Robinson, Sine Heitmann and Peter U. C. Dieke (Eds.), Research Themes for Tourism, Wallingford, Oxford: CABI, pp. xi - xvi.

Robinson, Peter, Sine Heitmann and Peter U. C. Dieke (2011), Conclusion, In Peter Robinson, Sine Heitmann and Peter U. C. Dieke (Eds.), Research Themes for Tourism, Wallingford, Oxford: CABI, pp. 289 - 291.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2010), From Apartheid to a ‘Managed Revolution’: Tourism Development and the Transition in South Africa, In Richard W. Butler and Wantanee Suntikul (Eds.) Tourism and Political Change. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers, pp. 120-132.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2010), The Development of Cultural Diversity Tourism: Policy Framework and Options, In Lydia B. Kerwin (Ed.), Cultural Diversity: Issues, Challenges and Perspectives. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 131-145.
Dieke, Peter U. C. (2009), Tourism in The Gambia: Some Issues in Development Policy, In Stephen J. Page and Joanne Connell (Eds.), Event Tourism - (Sustainable Tourism: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences, Volume IV). London: Routledge, pp. 33-53.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2006), Understanding Tourism Economics, In Pat Uche Okpoko ed., Issues in Tourism Planning and Development. Nsukka, Nigeria: Afro-Orbis Publications, pp. 49-69.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2002) Tourism Marketing: Marketing of the Zambian Tourism Product, In Sonny Nwankwo & Joseph F. Aiyeku (Eds.), Dynamics of Marketing in African Nations. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, pp 239-257.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2001) Human Resources in Tourism Development: African Perspectives, In David Harrison (Ed.), Tourism and the Less Developed Countries: Issues and Case Studies. Wallingford, Oxford: CAB International, pp. 61-75.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2001) The Forgotten Giant: Women’s Role in Africa’s Delayed Tourism Development, In Yiorgos Apostolopoulos, Sevil F. Sönmez, & Dallen J. Timothy eds., Women as Producers and Consumers of Tourism in Developing Regions. Westpoint, CT: Praeger, pp. 167-190.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2001) Kenya & South Africa In David B. Weaver (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Ecotourism. Wallingford, Oxford: CAB International, pp 89-105.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2000) Tourism and Structural Adjustment Programmes in the African Economy, In Clem Tisdell (Ed.), The Economics of Tourism: Critical Writings in Economics Vol. 2. Cheltenhan: Edward Elgar, pp. 398-420.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2000) The Nature and Scope of the Political Economy of Tourism Development in Africa, In Peter U C Dieke (Ed.), The Political Economy of Tourism Development in Africa. New York: Cognizant Communication Corporation, pp. 1- 25.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2000) Tourism and Africa’s Long-Run Development Dynamics, In Peter U C Dieke (Ed.), The Political Economy of Tourism Development in Africa. New York: Cognizant Communication Corporation, pp. 301 - 312.

MacLellan, L. Rory, Peter U. C. Dieke & Bhim K Thapa (2000), Mountain Tourism and Public Policy in Nepal, In P.M. Godde, M.F. Price & F.M. Zimmermann (Eds.), Tourism and Development in Mountain Regions. Wallingford, Oxford: CAB International, pp. 173 - 197.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1998), Regional Tourism in Africa: Scope and Critical Issues, In Eric Laws, Bill Faulkner and Gianna Moscardo (Eds.), Embracing and Managing Change in Tourism: International Case Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 29-48.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1994) Tourism in sub-Saharan Africa: Development Issues and Possibilities, In A V Seaton, C L Jenkins, R C Wood, P U C Dieke, M M Bennett, L R MacLellan, R Smith, (Eds.) Tourism: The State of the Art. Chichester, UK: John Wiley, pp. 52-64.

(b) Journal Articles

Editorship of Special Editions of Journals
Dieke, Peter U. C. (2013), Editorial: Tourism in sub-Saharan Africa: Production–Consumption Nexus. Current Issues in Tourism, 16 (7-8): 623-626.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2013), Tourism in sub-Saharan Africa: Production–Consumption Nexus. Current Issues in Tourism, 16 (7-8): 623-809.

Dieke, Peter U. C. and Kenneth J. Button (Eds.) (2011), Introduction. Special Edition on ‘Developments in Air Transport and Tourism’, Journal of Air Transport Management, 17 (3): 153-154.

Dieke, Peter U. C. and Kenneth J. Button (Eds.) (2011), ‘Developments in Air Transport and Tourism’, Special Edition, Journal of Air Transport Management, 17 (3): 153-206.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (Ed.) (2008), Introduction. Special Edition on “Tourism Development in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities”, Tourism Review International 12 (3/4): 167-169.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (Ed.) (2008), Tourism Development in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities. Special Issue, Tourism Review International 12 (3/4): 167-315.

Dieke, Peter U. C. & Victor B. Teye (Eds.) (2000), Introduction. Special Edition on ‘Tourism and African Development: Trends and Critical Issues’. Development Policy Management Forum 7 (1), pp. 1 - 3.

Dieke, Peter U. C. & Victor B. Teye (Eds.) (2000), ‘Tourism and African Development: Trends and Critical Issues’. Special Edition, Development Policy Management Forum 7 (1), pp. 4 - 31.

Refereed Journal Articles
Assaf, A. George, Carlos P. Barros and Peter U. C. Dieke (2011), Portuguese Tour Operators: A Fight for Survival. Special Edition on “Developments in Air Transport and Tourism”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 17 (3): 155-157.

Barros, Carlos P., Peter U. C. Dieke, & Carlos M. Santos (2010), Heterogeneous Technical Efficiency of Hotels in Luanda, Angola, Tourism Economics, 16 (1): 137-151.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2009), Africa in the Global Tourism Economy: Trend Patterns, Issues, and Future Perspectives, The Harvard College Economics Review 3 (2): 9-15.

Santos, Carlos M., Peter U. C. Dieke & Carlos P. Barros (2008), Efficiency Measurement Systems in Hotels: Perspectives from Luanda, Angola, Tourism Review International, 12 (3/4): 303-315.

Barros, Carlos P., and Peter U. C. Dieke (2008), Measuring the Economic Efficiency of Airports: A Simar-Wilson Methodology Analysis, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 44 (6): 1039-1051.

Barros, Carlos P., and Peter U. C. Dieke (2008), Choice Valuation of Traffic Restrictions: Noise, Pollution and Congestion Preferences. A Note, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 13: 347-350.

Barros, Carlos P., and Peter U. C. Dieke (2008), Technical Efficiency of African Hotels, International Journal of Hospitality Management 27 (3): 438-447.

Barros, Carlos P. & Peter U. C. Dieke (2007), Performance Evaluation of Italian Airports: A Data Envelopment Analysis. Journal of Air Transport Management, 13: 184-191.

Barros, Carlos P. & Peter U. C. Dieke (2007), Analyzing the Total Productivity Change in Travel Agencies, Tourism Analysis 12 (3): 27-37.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2003) Tourism in Africa’s Economic Development: Policy Implications, Management Decision 41(3): 287-295.

Dieke, Peter U. C. & Kurtulus Karamustafa (2000) Co-operative Marketing in the Accommodation SubSector: Southeastern Mediterranean Perspectives, Thunderbird International Business Review 42 (4), pp. 466-492.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (2000) Developing Tourism in Africa: Some Issues for Policy Consideration, The Development Policy Management Forum 7 (1), pp. 25-31.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1995) Tourism and Structural Adjustment Programmes in the African Economy, Tourism Economics 1 (1), pp. 71-93.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1994), The Political Economy of Tourism in The Gambia, Review of African Political Economy 21 (4), pp. 611-626.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1993), Cross-National Comparison of Tourism Development: Lessons from Kenya and The Gambia, Journal of Tourism Studies 4 (1), pp. 2-18.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1993), Tourism and Development Policy in The Gambia, Annals of Tourism Research 20 (3) pp. 423-449.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1993), Tourism Policy and Employment in The Gambia, Employee Relations 15 (2), pp. 71-80.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1993), Tourism in The Gambia: Some Issues in Development Policy, World Development 21 (2), pp. 277-289.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1992), Tourism Development Policies in Kenya, Annals of Tourism Research 19 (3), pp. 558-561.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1991), Policies for Tourism Development in Kenya, Annals of Tourism Research 18(2), pp. 269-294.

Dieke, Peter U. C. (1989), Fundamentals of Tourism Development: A Third World Perspective, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 13(2), pp. 7-22.


international tourism; development; sub-Saharan Africa.