Mamadou Diouf

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Leitner Family Professor of African Studies; Professor of History ; Director of IAS


Columbia University, New York, New York

Adresse électronique


Institute of African Studies (IAS)
Columbia University
Knox Hall
606 West 122nd Street, MC 9631
New York, New York 10027


phone: (212) 854-4083

Site de web


Current research: a) youth in colonial and postcolonial Africa
b) citizenship in a comparative imperial perspective.

Web site for IAS:


2013 Co-editor with Rosalind Fredericks
Les arts de la citoyenneté au Sénégal: espaces contesté et civilités urbaines.
Paris : Karthala.

2013 Editor
Tolerance, democracy, and Sufis in Senegal.
New York : Columbia University Press.

2010 Co-editor with Ifeoma Nwanko.
Rhythms of the Afro-Atlantic World: rituals and remembrances.
Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

2009 Co-editor with Mara A. Leichtman.
New perspectives on Islam in Senegal: conversion, migration, wealth,
power, and femininity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

2003 Historians and histories, what for? : African historiography
between the state and the communities. Amsterdam, Netherlands:
SEPHIS; Calcutta: CSSSC. [27 p.]

2002 With Donal Cruise O'Brien and Momar-Coumba Diop.
La construction de l'Etat au Sénégal. Paris:

2001 Histoire du Sénégal: le modèle
islamo-wolof et ses périphéries. Paris: Maisonneuve
& Larose.

"Les élites et la représentation politique en
Afrique," in L. Marfaing and B. Reinwald (eds.), African Networks,
Exchange and Spatial Dynamics. Tribute to L. Harding. Hamburg, Lit

2000 "Les jeunes du sud et le temps du monde: Identités,
conflits et adaptations, (with R. Collignon) in Les jeunes, hantise de
l'espace public dans les sociétés du sud?
Ed. by Mamadou Diouf and René Collignon. Paris: Autrepart 18.

"Des Historiens et des histoires, pourquoi faire? L'histoire
africaine entre l'état et les communautés, Canadian
Journal of African Studies/Revue Canadienne d'Etudes Africaines 34, 2
(2000): 337-374.

"The Senegalese Murid Trade Diaspora and the Making of a
Vernacular Cosmopolitism, " Public culture, 4, 32 (2000):

1999 "The French colonial policy of assimilation and the civility of the
originaires of the Four Communes (Senegal): a nineteenth century
globalization project," in Birgit Meyer and Peter Geschiere, eds.,
Globalization and identity: dialectics of flows and closure.
London: Blackwell. pp. 71-96.

Les figures du politique en Afrique : des pouvoirs
hérites aux pouvoirs élus. Sous la direction de
Momar-Coumba Diop et Mamadou Diouf. Paris : Karthala ; Dakar : Codesria.
[ With Momar-Coumba Diop. "Séneégal: par de la
succession Senghor-Diouf." ]

L'historiographie indienne en débat: colonialisme,
nationalisme et sociétés post-coloniales. Sous la
direction du Mamadou Diouf. Paris : Karthala ; Amsterdam : Sephis.

1998 Political liberalisation or democratic transition: African
perspectives. Codesria new path series. [Dakar,
Sénégal] : Codesria.

With Aminata Diaw. "Ethnic group versus nation: identity
discourses in Senegal," in Okwudiba Nnoli, ed., Ethnic conflicts in
Africa. Dakar, Sénégal: Codesria. pp. 259-85.

"Urban Youth and Senegalese Politics. Dakar, 1988-1994," Public
culture 8, 2 (1996): 225-248 ; reprinted in James Holston (ed)
Cities and citizenship. Public culture. Durham, Duke University
Press. (1996): 42-66.

1995 With Abdoulaye Bathily and Mohamed Mbodj. "The Senegalese student
movement from its inception to 1989," in Mahmood Mamdani and Ernest
Wamba-dia-Wamba, eds., African studies in social movements and
democracy. Dakar, Sénégal : Codesria ; Oxford :
Distributors, ABC. pp. 369-408.

1994 Academic freedom in Africa. Ed. by Mahmood Mamdani and
Mamadou Diouf. Dakar, Sénégal : Codesria ; Oxford :
Distributors, ABC.

1992 "Le clientélisme, la 'technocratie', et après?"
in Momar Coumba Diop, ed., Sénégal: trajectoires d'un
état. Dakar, Sénégal : Codesria ; Paris :
Karthala. pp. 233-78.

With Mohamed Mbodj. "The shadow of Cheikh Anta Diop," in V.Y.
Mudimbe, ed., The surreptitious speech: Présence africaine and
the politics of otherness, 1947-1987. Chicago : The University of
Chicago Press. pp. 118-35.

1990 Le Kajoor au XIXe siècle : pouvoir ceddo et
conquête coloniale. Paris : Karthala.

With Momar Coumba Diop. Le Sénégal sous
Abdou Diouf : état et société. Paris :


colonial history ; post-colonial theory ; citizenship ; youth.