Marion E. Doro

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Lucy Marsh Haskell Professor Emerita of Government


Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut


Mailing Address

Connecticut College
P.O. Box 5457
New London, Connecticut 06320-4196 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: 860-442-7513

Research Interests

Major research interests currently turn on the democratization process in
Africa, with major focus on a) elections, and b) role of women NGOs.

Served as a UN Monitor in 1995 elections in Tanzania, and as an
international observer for 1996 parliamentary elections in Uganda.

Teaching Interests

Teaching experience includes three years at Makerere University, Uganda
[twice as a Fulbright Scholar]. Attended the Women's Worlds 8th
International Congress in Uganda, July 2002; gave paper on Role of African
Women in Political Development.


M.E. Doro and Newell M. Stultz, eds., Governing in Black Africa, Prentice
Hall, 1970, and second ed., Holmes & Meier, 1986.

Rhodesia/Zimbabwe: a bibliographic guide to the Nationalist Period, G.K.
Hall, 1984.

Editor, Africa Contemporary Record, vols. XX, XXI, and XXII.

Numerous bibliographic essays for Current Bibliography on African Affairs,
two dozen country studes for Collier's Yearbook, 100 plus book reviews for
various journals such as Journal of Politics, African Studies Review,
American Political Science Review, Choice, Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Peer reviewer for numerous journals.


African politics ; democratization ; gender ; NGOs.