Marc Epprecht
Domaine de recherche | l'Afrique |
Pays de résidence | Canada |
Titre | Dr. |
Affiliation | Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada |
Adresse électronique | |
Adresse | Department of History
Téléphone/Télécopie | phone: 613-533-6000 ext 74364 (office)
Pays de spécialisation | Lesotho ; Zimbabwe ; South Africa. |
Recherche | Marc Epprecht does research into the history of GENDER and SEXUALITY with
Enseignement | He currently teaches in the History Department as well as for the
Publications | Some publications/quelques publications `This matter of women is getting very bad' _Gender, development and
The 1907 Commission of Enquiry into 'Unnatural Vice' in South Africa: A
Une critique "beachienne" de la littérature anglaise récente
Confronting masculinity at the University of Zimbabwe, in Blye Frank and
Pro-feminist teaching strategies in an African context, "Debates and
Gender and Feminisms in African Studies, SAFERE (Southern Africa
Women, Gender, and Development in Colonial Lesotho, Centro de Estudios
The Gay Rights Movement in Southern Africa, Canadian Journal of
Premodern and early colonial Africa, in G.E. Haggerty (ed) _The
`Good God Almighty, what's this!': homosexual "crime" in early colonial
The Gay Oral History Project: Black empowerment, human rights, and the
The `unsaying' of homosexuality among indigenous black Zimbabweans:
Uncovering Masculinity in Southern African History, Review of Southern
Investing in Amnesia, or, Fantasy and Forgetfulness in the World Bank
Gender and History in Southern Africa: A Lesotho `Metanarrative'
History, Culture, and Homophobia" Southern Africa Political Economy
Women's `Conservatism' and the Politics of Gender in Colonial Lesotho,
With Allison Goebel, "Women and Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Testing
Is Socialist Feminism Passé? Rethinking Marxism. 7/4 (Winter
The Mfecane as Teaching Aid: History, Politics, and Pedagogy in Southern
Domesticity and Piety in Colonial Lesotho: The Private Politics of Basotho
Mots-clés | gender ; sexuality ; homosexuality ; masculinity. |