Heidi Gengenbach

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Assistant Professor


State University of New York, Buffalo



Mailing Address

Department of History
546 Park Hall
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York 14260 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: (716) 645-2181 x577
fax: (716) 645-5954

Countries of Specialization


Research Interests

African history: Mozambique/southern Africa, gender/women, agrarian social
& cultural history, historical methodologies & historiography

Comparative colonial history: race, sex and empire; women's life histories
& autobiographies; politics of land use & landscapes

Doctoral dissertation: "Where Women Make History: Pots, Tattoos, Stories,
and Other Gendered Accounts of Community and Change in Magude District,
Mozambique, c.1800 to the Present," University of Minnesota, 1999.


"'I'll Bury You in the Border!': Women's Land Struggles in Post-War
Facazisse (Magude District), Mozambique," Journal of Southern African
Studies 24, 1 (1998): 7-36.

"'What My Heart Wanted': Gendered Stories of Early Colonial Encounters in
Southern Mozambique," forthcoming in Susan Geiger, Jean Allman and
Nakanyike Musisi (eds.), Women and African Colonial History (forthcoming,
Indiana University Press).

Women, Land and Resettlement in Magude District: A Field Study. Maputo:
Norwegian Refugee Council, 1997, 162 pp.

"Truth-Telling and the Politics of Women's Life History Research in Africa:
A Reply to Kirk Hoppe," International Journal of African Historical Studies
27, 3 (1994): 619-27.


colonialism ; race ; gender ; empire ; politics ; land tenure ; landscapes.