Linda L. Giles
Domaine de recherche | l'Afrique |
Pays de résidence | États-Unis d'Amérique |
Titre | Adjunct Research Associate |
Affiliation | Illinois State Museum, Springfield, Illinois |
Adresse électronique | |
Adresse | Illinois State Museum
Téléphone/Télécopie | phone: (309) 452-8821 |
Pays de spécialisation | Kenya ; Tanzania. |
Recherche | Areas of Specialization: Socio-cultural anthropology & Sub-Saharan
Publications | "Spirit Possession and the Symbolic Construction of Swahili Society."
"Sociocultural Change and Spirit Possession on the Swahili Coast of East
"The Dialectic of Spirit Production: A Cross-cultural Dialogue" (Swahili
"Possession Cults on the Swahili Coast: A Re-examination of Theories of
"Spirit Possession on the Swahili Coast: Peripheral Cults or Primary
Meckstroth, Steve & Linda Giles, in collaboration with Soren Larsen &
Mots-clés | ritual ; spirit possession ; Islam ; Swahili ; African arts ; Mijikenda ; museum studies. |