Ruth Ginio

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence





Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Adresse électronique


Department of General History
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Be'er Sheva 84105



phone: 972-8-6428264
fax: 972-8-6428695

Pays de spécialisation

French West Africa


My main areas of research are:

1. The Vichy period in French West Africa
2. The Native legal system in FWA
3. African soldiers in the French Army


I teach courses on colonialism with an emphasis on Africa, Second World War, Race and Racism, French Modern History.


1. Ruth Ginio, French Colonialism Unmasked: The Vichy Years in French West Arfica (Lincoln, Nebraska University Press, 2006)
2. Efrat Ben Ze'ev, Ruth Ginio, and Jay Winter (eds.), Shadows of War: A History of Silence in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010
Chapters in collective volumes
1. Ginio, Ruth. “La propagande impériale de Vichy” in: Jacques Cantier et Eric Jennings (eds.). L’Empire de Vichy: Pour une nouvelle histoire des colonies françaises au temps de la Révolution nationale. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2004, 117-149.

2. Ginio, Ruth. “Elites européennes et coloniales face au nouveau régime en AOF” in: Jacques Cantier et Eric Jennings (eds.). L’Empire de Vichy: Pour une nouvelle histoire des colonies françaises au temps de la Révolution nationale. Paris: Odile Jacob, 2004, 235-263.

3. Blanchard, Pascal and Ruth Ginio, “Révolution impériale: Le mythe colonial de Vichy”. In: Pascal Blanchard et Sandrine Lemaire (eds.), Culture impériale: Les colonies au cœur de la République, 1931-1961. Paris: Autrement, 2004, 125-144.

4. Ginio, Ruth. “Negotiating Legal Authority in French West Africa: The Colonial Administration and the African Assessors, 1903-1918” in: Benjamin Lawrance, Emily Osborn and Richard Roberts (eds.) Intermediaries, Interpreters, and Clerks: African Employees in the Making of Colonial Africa. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2006, 115-135.

5. Ginio, Ruth. “French Colonialism and African Islam during World War II”, Reuven Amitai et als. (eds.), Conversion, Sufism, Revival, and Reform in Islam (Jerusalem: Magnes, 2012) [In Hebrew].

6. Ahluwalia, Pal, Louise Bethlehem and Ruth Ginio, "Introduction: 'Unsettling Violence'", in: Pal Ahluwalia, Louise Bethlehem and Ruth Ginio (eds.), Violence and Non-Violence in Africa (London and New-York: Routledge, 2007), 1-12.

7. Ginio Ruth, " African Silences: Negotiating the Story of France’s colonial soldiers, 1914-2009", in: Efrat Ben Ze'ev, Ruth Ginio, and Jay Winter (eds.), Shadows of War: A History of Silence in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
8. Ginio Ruth and Lynn Schler, “Decolonization Reconsidered: Rebirths, Continuities and Erasures” in: Ruth Ginio and Lynn Schler (eds.), Decolonization Reconsidered: Rebirths, Continuities and Erasures, Special Issue of Hagar: Studies in Culture, Polity and Identities, 9:2, 2010, 2-12.

9. Ginio, Ruth. "Colonial Minds and African Witchcraft: Interpretations of Murder Cases from French West Africa in the Interwar era", in: Martin Thomas (ed), The French Colonial Mind. Lincoln: Nebraska University Press, 2011, 49-71.

10. Ginio Ruth. “'Saving French West Africa’: The French army, African soldiers and military propaganda during the 1950s”, in: Tony Chafer and Alexander Keese (eds.) Africa at Fifty. Manchester: Manchester University Press, forthcoming.

11. Ginio Ruth, “African Soldiers, French Women, and Colonial Fears during and after World War II” in: Judith Byfield, Carolyn Brown,
Timothy Parsons, and Ahmad Sikainga (eds), Re-centering Africa in the History of the Second World War. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming

(d) Refereed articles and refereed letters in scientific
1. Ginio, Ruth.“'Marshal Petain Spoke to Schoolchildren' - Vichy Propaganda in French West Africa, 1940-1943”. International Journal of African Historical Studies, 33:2 (2000), 291-312.

2. Ginio, Ruth. “French Colonial Reading of Ethnographic Research – The Case of the ‘Desertion’ of the Abron King and Its Aftermath”. Cahiers d’Etudes africaines, 166, 42:2 (2002), 337-357.

3. Ginio, Ruth. “Les enfants africains de la Révolution nationale – La politique vichyssoise de l’enfance et de la jeunesse dans les colonies de l’AOF (1940-1943)”. Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine. 49:4 (2002), 132-153.

4. Ginio, Ruth. “La politique antijuive de Vichy en Afrique occidentale française”, Archives juives. 36:1 (2003), 109-118.

5. Ginio, Ruth. “Vichy Rule in French West Africa: Prelude to Decolonization?” French Colonial History, 4 (2003), 205-226.

6. Ginio, Ruth. “African Colonial Soldiers between Memory and Forgetfulness: The Case of Post-Colonial Senegal”. Outremers: Revue d'Histoire , 94, 350-351 (2006), 141-155.
7. Ginio, Ruth. “French Officers, African Officers, and the Violent Image of African Colonial Soldiers”, Historical Reflections, 36:2, 2010, 59-75.


French West Africa ; legal systems ; colonialism ; African Soldiers, Decolonization