Mwangi wa Githinji

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Assistant Professor


University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts

Adresse électronique


Department of Economics
University of Massachusetts,
902 Thompson Hall
200 Hicks Way
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003 USA


phone: 413-545 1373
fax: 503-212-7343


- The political economy of development with particular interest in Africa
and issues of inequality, poverty, rural development and the environment.
- Marxian Class analysis
- The impact of East Asian development on African countries


- The political economy of development with particular interest in Africa
and issues of inequality, poverty, rural development and the environment.
- Marxian Class analysis
- The impact of East Asian development on African countries



An Employment-Targetted Economic Plan for Kenya (with Robert Pollin and
James Heintz), UNDP and PERI 2007 (Forthcoming Edward Elgar 2008).

Ten Millionaires and Ten Million Beggars: A Study of Income and
Development in Kenya, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, England (December

Chapters in Books:

"Income, Working Standards and Labor Mobility: Planning for an Integrated
African Economy," ( with Patrick Mason) in Sylvain Boko and Diery Seck
(eds) NEPAD and the Future of Economic Policy in Africa, African World
Press, New Jersey (2008)

"Untying the Gordian Knot: The Question of Land Reform in Ethiopia," (with
Gebru Mersha) in A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi (ed.) Land Policies, Poverty
Reduction and Public Action, Routledge Press, (January 2007).

"Class Transition in the Age of Globalization: Uneven Development in Rural
India and Kenya," (with Anjan Chakrabarti and Stephen Cullenberg) in
Robert Pollin et al. (eds.) Egalitarian Development in the Era of
Globalization, Edward Elgar Press (July 2006)

Journal Articles:

"Kenya's Hopes and Impediments. (with Frank Holmquist) Journal of Eastern
African Studies (Forthcoming 2008)

"Excavating for Economics in Africana Studies," (With Patrick Mason)
Journal of Black Studies. (Forthcoming 2008)

"Deconstructing the Peasantry: Class and Development in Rural Kenya,"
(with S. Cullenberg) Critical Sociology, Volume 29, Issue 1, April 2003
pp. 67-88.

"Income Distribution and Dualism: The Case of Kenya," Review of
Development Economics, October 2000, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp 326-339.

"Environmental Degradation and Poverty in Less Industrialized Nations,"
(with T. Kelly) Frontera Norte, Nm. Especial: Pobreza, 1994, pp. 77-89.

"Social and Ecological Sustainability in the Use of Biotic Resources in
Sub-Saharan Africa," (with C. Perrings) Ambio, Volume 22 No. 2-3, May
1993, pp.110-116.


political economy ; rural development ; environmental studies ; East-Asia Africa relations.