David M. Gordon

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Assistant Professor of History


Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine

Adresse électronique



Bowdoin College
9900 College Station
Brunswick, Maine 04011 USA


phone: 207-798-4298

Site de web


Pays de spécialisation

Congo (Democratic Republic) ; Zambia.


Research focus includes environment, politics, and religion in south central
African history.


Teach courses on Sub-Saharan African history, from pre-colonial period to
the present-day, with a focus on central and southern Africa.


Nachituti's Gift: Economy, Society, and Environment in Central
Africa. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2006.

"The Abolition of the Slave Trade and the Transformation of Central
African Interior." William and Mary Quarterly. "Special Edition
on Global Consequences of 1807 Abolition." Forthcoming. (July, 2009)

"Rebellion or Massacre: The UNIP-Lumpa Conflict Revisited."
In Zambia: Independence and After. Edited by Jan-Bart Gewald,
Giacomo Macola, and Marja Hinfelaar. In Press with E.J. Brill Press.

"From Sacred Ownership to Colonial Commons: Water Tenure Systems in
Central Africa." In A History of Water: The World of Water. Volume
III. Edited by Terje Tvedt. I.B. Tauris, 2006, 18-37.

"History on the Luapula Retold: Landscape, Memory, and Identity in the
Kazembe Kingdom," Journal of African history 47, 1 (2006), 21-42.

"Growth without Capital: A Renascent Fishery in Zambia and Katanga, 1960s
to Recent Times," Journal of southern African studies 31,3
(2005), 477-495.

"The Cultural Politics of a Traditional Ceremony: Mutomboko and the
Performance of History on the Luapula," Comparative studies in society
and history 46, 1 (2004), 63-83.

"Rites of Rebellion: Recent Anthropology from Zambia." African
Studies 62,1 (2003), 125-139.

"Owners of the Land and Lunda Lords: Colonial Chiefs in the Borderlands of
Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo," International journal of
African historical studies 34, 2 (2001), 315-337.


Central African history ; Zambia ; environmental history, politics, religion.