Sandra E. Greene

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Associate Professor


Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

Adresse électronique


Department of History
450 Mc Graw Hall
Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853


phone: 607-255-4124
fax: 607-255-0469

Pays de spécialisation




--President of the African Studies Association, 1997-98

--Board Member, Ubuntu 2000--African Festival of the Arts, 1998-2002

--Board Member, National Summit on Africa, 1998-2000

--Editorial Board Member, Cambridge University Press "Perspectives on the
African Past" series

--Editorial Board Member, International Journal of African Historical
Studies, 1998-2003


Forthcoming. "Symbols and social activism: an agenda for African studies
and the ASA for the coming 21st century," African studies review.

Forthcoming. "In the mix: women and ethnic identities among the Anlo
Ewe," in _Ethnicity in Ghana_. Ed. by Paul Nugent and Carola Lenz.
Macmillan Press.

Forthcoming. "The question of cultural zones in the era of the Atlantic
slave trade: exploring the Yoruba connection among the Anlo-Ewe," in
_Papers of the UNESCO Slave Route Project_. Ed. by Paul Lovejoy and Robin
Law. Cassell Publishers, London.

1997 "Sacred terrain: religion, politics and place in the history of
Anloga (Ghana)," International journal of African historical studies, 30,

1997 "The individual as stranger in 19th century Anlo: the politics of
identity and social advancement in precolonial West Africa," in _The cloth
of many colored silks: essays in honor of Ivor Wilks." Ed. by John
Hunwick and Nancy Lawler. Northwestern University Press, Evanston.

1997 "Crossing boundaries/changing identities: the descendants of female
slaves and male strangers in nineteenth and twentieth century Anlo," in
_Gendered encounters: challenging cultural boundaries and social
hierarchies in Africa_. Ed. by Maria Grosz-Ngate and Omari H. Kokole.
Routledge, London.

1996 _Gender, ethnicity and social change on the Upper Slave Coast: a
history of the Anlo-Ewe_. Social history in Africa series. Heinemann
Books, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

1996 "Religion, history and the supreme gods of Africa: a contribution
to the debate," Journal of religion in Africa, XXVI, 2.

1995 "Women, the family and the commercialization of agriculture in 19th
and 20th century Anlo," in _Introduction to Women's studies, with special
reference to Ghana: selected readings_. Ed. by Mansah Prah. Books of
Africa. Schriesheim, Germany.

1994 "From whence they came: a note on the influence of West African
ethnic and gender relations on the organizational character of the 1733
St. John Slave Rebellion," in _The Danish slave trade and its abolition_.
Ed. by George Tyson and Arnold Highfield. Virgin Islands Humanities


politics ; ethnicity ; gender ; identity.