Enrico Ille

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence





Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany



Mailing Address

Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Rudolf-Breitscheid-Strasse 12

Phone/Fax Number(s)

tel: 0049-1577-2956867
mob: 00249-901735967

Countries of Specialization

Sudan (especially Nuba Mountains and Metropolitan Khartoum)

Research Interests

Food supply chains, anticipatory projections, organization and development, technologies of representation, discourses on the past


2014, with Guma Kunda Komey and Richard Rottenburg. Tragic entanglements: vicious circles and acts of violence in South Kordofan. In Sudan's killing fields. Political violence and fragmentation, edited by Laura Lyantung Beny and Sondra Hale. Trenton: Red Sea Press, 117-137.
2014. Greedy Donors? Uncertainty and the organisation of seed distribution in the Nuba Mountains. In Emerging orders in the Sudans, edited by Sandra Calkins, Enrico Ille and Richard Rottenburg. Bamenda: Langaa, 221-240.
2014, with Sandra Calkins and Richard Rottenburg, eds. Emerging orders in the Sudans. Bamenda: Langaa.
2014, with Sandra Calkins. Territorities of gold mining. International investment and artisanal extraction in Sudan. In Disrupting territories. Land, commodification and conflict in Sudan, edited by Jörg Gertel, Richard Rottenburg and Sandra Calkins. Woodbridge: James Currey, 52-76.
2013, with Sandra Calkins. Gold mining concessions in Sudan’s written laws, and practices of gold extraction in the Nuba Mountains. In Forging two nations. insights on Sudan and South Sudan, edited by Elke Grawert. Addis Ababa and Bonn: OSSREA and BICC, 112-126.
2013. Literacy, translation, practices: Groundwater location under stress in South Kordofan (Republic of Sudan). Journal des Anthropologues 132-133: 219-242.
2013. Some linguistic expressions related to agricultural annual cycles in the Nuba Mountains (Miri, Krongo, Moro, Tira, Abol). In Nuba Mountain Language Studies, edited by Thilo C. Schadeberg and Roger Blench. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe, 523-549.
2013. Handel und Mobilität im Sudan zwischen nomothetischer und idiopathischer Perspektive. In Mobilität neu gedacht? Ein interdisziplinärer Forschungsbericht der AG ‚Mobilität‘ des Sonderforschungsbereiches 586 ‚Differenz und Integration‘ (2008-2012), edited by T. Brüggemann et al. (Working Papers CONTESTED ORDER, No. 11). Leipzig: Universität Leipzig, 51-68.
2013. Projections, plans and projects. Development as the extension of organizing principles and its consequences in the rural Nuba Mountains / South Kordofan, Sudan (2005-2011). Leipzig & Weissenfels: Ille & Riemer. Also Ph.D thesis, Halle, Univ., 2012.
2012. The classification of drinking water between public administration and rural communities in South Kordofan, Sudan. Travelling models and technologies. Sociologus 62 (1), 73-93.
2012. Faqih 'Ali. In Dictionary of African Biography. Volume 2, edited by Emmanuel K. Akyeampong and Henry Louis Gates. Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press, 342-343.
2012. Bakhita, Josephine. In Dictionary of African Biography. Volume 1, edited by Emmanuel K. Akyeampong and Henry Louis Gates. Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press, 359-360.
2012, with Guma Kunda Komey. Suq sumbuq – Geheime Märkte im sudanesischen Bürgerkrieg. In Nomaden in unserer Welt. Die Vorreiter der Globalisierung: Von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand, edited by Jörg Gertel & Sandra Calkins. Bielefeld: transcript, 106-114.
2012. Die Bestände aus Süd- und Südostasien im Museum für Musikinstrumente der Universität Leipzig. In Musik-Stadt. Band 2: Musik als Agens urbaner Lebenswelten: musiksoziologische, musikethnologische und organologische Perspektiven, edited by Sebastian Klotz. Leipzig: Schröder, 321-339.
2011, with Richard Rottenburg and Guma Kunda Komey. The genesis of recurring wars in Sudan. Rethinking the violent conflicts in the Nuba Mountains / South Kordofan. (Working Paper). Halle: University of Halle.
2011. Tracing golden past. Historical narratives about Shaybun and Shawabna in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan. Leipzig & Weissenfels: Ille & Riemer.
2011. „Teegespräche“ in mobiler Runde auf dem Markt. Scientia Halensis 19 (2): 29.
2009. Der Berg Šaybūn und das Gold. Historische Narrative und die Verortung von Ressourcen in den Nuba Mountains (Sudan). In Raum – Landschaft – Territorium. Zur Konstruktion physischer Räume als nomadische und sesshafte Lebensräume, edited by Roxana Kath & Anna-Katharina Rieger. (Nomaden und Sesshafte 11). Wiesbaden: Reichert, 229-250.
2007. Ethnische Strukturen. In Wegweiser zur Geschichte. Sudan, edited Bernhard Chiari. Paderborn et al.: Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, 131-141.


Nuba Mountains ; Khartoum; power relations ; cultural identification ; history ; food supply chains.