Leon Jacobson

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

L'Afrique du Sud




Honorary Research Fellow, The School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand

Adresse électronique



P.O. Box 2844
Sasolburg 1947
South Africa


phone: 27-016-971-4255
cell; 083-389-8647

Site de web


Pays de spécialisation

Southern Africa


Archaeometry and archaeology: pre-colonial trade and exchange by means of
provenance studies on herder and Iron Age pottery; Later Stone Age
(Khoisan) hunter-gatherers and the transition to pastoralism; miscellaneous
geochemical studies on archaeological materials including rock art paint,
glass beads, sediments; heritage and museums studies.


Jacobson, L. & van der Westhuizen, W. 2002. The chemical composition of the
Schroda clay figurines. In: van Schalkwyk, J.A. & Hanisch, E.O.M. (eds.)
Sculptured in clay: Iron Age figurines from Schroda, Limpopo Province, South
Africa: 41-45. Pretoria: National Cultural History Museum.

Jacobson, L., van der Westhuizen, W.A. & Oosthuysen, J. 2002. SARM 69
Ceramic-1: a new pottery certified reference material for inter- and
intra-laboratory calibration. In: Jerem, E. & Biro, K.T. (eds.) Archaeometry
98. Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Archaeometry,
Budapest, 26 April - 3 May 1998: 585-586. Oxford: Archaeopress BAR
International Series 1043 (II).

Jacobson, L., van der Westhuizen, W.A. & Morris, D. 2002. XRF analysis of
Type R pottery from the Riet River area, Northern Cape, South Africa. In:
Jerem, E. & Biro, K.T. (eds.) Archaeometry 98. Proceedings of the 31st
International Symposium on Archaeometry, Budapest, 26 April - 3 May 1998:
581-583. Oxford: Archaeopress BAR International Series 1043 (II).

Jacobson, L., Loock, J.C., van der Westhuizen, W.A., Huffman, T.N. & Dreyer,
J.J.B. 2003. The occurrence of vitrified dung from the Kamdeboo district,
southern Karoo and Den Staat, Limpopo Valley, South Africa. South African
Journal of Science 99:26-28.

Jacobson, L., De Bruiyn, H. & Van der Westhuizen, W.A. 2002. Comments on:
"Precolonial exchange between the Eastern Free State and KwaZulu-Natal: the
evidence from Rose Cottage Cave ceramics". South African Journal of Science

Jacobson, L., Fish, W.S. & Van der Westhuizen, W.A. 2002. XRF analysis of
pottery from Mutokolwe, a Khami settlement from the Soutpansberg mountains,
South Africa. In: Glascock, M. (ed.) Geochemical Evidence for Long Distance
Exchange: 215-228. Westport, Connecticut: Bergin & Garvey.

Jacobson, L., De Bruiyn, H. & van der Westhuizen, W.A. 2002. Rose Cottage
Cave ceramics. South African Journal of Science 98:340.


archaeology ; precolonial trade ; iron Age pottery ; hunter-gatherers ; pastoralism.