Peter Alexander

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

L'Afrique du Sud


Senior Lecturer


Rand Afrikaans University, Auckland Park, South Africa

Adresse électronique


Sociology Department
Rand Afrikaans University
P.O. Box 524
Auckland Park 2006
South Africa


phone: +27 11 489 2884
fax: +27 11 489 2879

Pays de spécialisation

South Africa.


Peter Alexander's principal research has been on South African labour
history. He focuses on race relations among
workers in a period when there was a high level of industrial unrest, and
it relates this unrest to a consideration of the origins of apartheid.

He has been engaged in post-doctoral research comparing
coal miners in the Transvaal and Alabama, particularly in the 1920s,
looking at 'race' and labour, and he is planning to publish a number of
articles based on this work.

Other interests include racism and anti-racism (on which he has published
a book), African labour studies, comparative labour studies, race and
class, and globalization.


Two articles based on his Ph.D thesis ('Industrial Conflict, Race and the South
African State, 1939-1948'; London, 1994), have been published and a revised
version of his dissertation has been submitted for publication as a book.

As part of his post-doctoral project on coal miners in the Transvaal and Alabama, he organized a major
conference on 'Labour and Difference in Africa, USA and Britain', and
intends to co-edit collections of papers presented to this conference.


labour ; race ; class ; globalization.