Corinne A. Kratz

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Professor of Anthropology & African Studies


Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia


Mailing Address

Emory University
1256 Briarcliff Road
Bldg A, Room 422N
Mailstop 1256/001/1AQ
Atlanta, Georgia 30306 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: 404-727-1036


Countries of Specialization

Kenya ; South Africa.

Research Interests

Fields of interest: Kenya, South Africa, Okiek, cultural history,
language, visual anthropology, museums, public history

Co-Director, Center for the Study of Public Scholarship.


2002 "Persistent Popular Images of Pastoralists?" Double
Special Issue of Visual Anthropology. Vol. 15, No. 3-4.
Co-edited with Robert J. Gordon.

2002 The Ones That Are Wanted: Communication and the Politics of
Representation in a Photographic Exhibition. Berkeley, Calif.: University
of California Press. [***Received the Collier Prize for Still Photography
awarded by the Society for Visual Anthropology--2003 and Honorable
Mention for the Arnold Rubin Outstanding Publication Award from the Arts
Council of the African Studies Association--2004.]

1994 Affecting Performance: Meaning, Movement, and Experience in Okiek
Women's Initiation. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.


Okiek ; cultural history ; language ; visual anthropology ; museums ; public history.