Pauline Kusiak

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Ph.D. Candidate


Cornell University, Ithaca, New York


Mailing Address

Department of Science and Technology Studies
Cornell University
311 Rockefeller Hall
Ithaca, New York 14850 USA

Countries of Specialization


Research Interests

My dissertation focuses on the intersection between ideologies of Negritude
and the politics of technology in colonial and post-colonial French-speaking
West Africa, in particular in Senegal.

Themes that interest me are the history and sociology of medical imaging
technologies (e.g. microscopy, radioscopy) in the West African territories
and their users (e.g. medecins africains, contemporary radiologists, and
patients); the convergence between nationalism, debates about literacy and
"visual illiteracy," and mass public science instruction, especially hygiene
instruction, in the late colonial period; and the politics of "medecine
traditionelle" and "medecine moderne" from the late 1960's to present.

In the future, I expect to do more comparative work on the politics of
technology in other parts of West Africa.


None on file.


Negritude ; ideology ; technology ; colonization ; post-colonial studies ; medical imaging.