Johan Lagae
Region of Interest | Africa |
Primary Country of Residence | Belgium |
Title | Research Assistant |
Affiliation | Ghent University, Gent, Belgium |
Mailing Address | Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
Phone/Fax Number(s) | phone: 0032/9/264.39.11 or 37.42
Countries of Specialization | Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi. |
Research Interests | Interests: * "20th century colonial architecture in the Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi."
* architecture at 20th century colonial exhibitions |
Publications | Recent publications: * Johan Lagae, 'Displaying authenticity and Progress. Architectural
* Johan Lagae, 'In search of a "comme chez soi". The ideal colonial
* Johan Lagae & Denise Laurens, Claude Laurens. Architecture. Projets
Keywords | architecture ; colonial exhibitions ; world fairs. |