Peter Limb

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Dr. / Associate professor


Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan


Mailing Address

366 W. Circle Drive (Room E224B)
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI, 48824

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone (517) 884-0838


Countries of Specialization

South Africa/Zimbabwe


B.A. University of Adelaide (1977).
B.A. (Hons.). University of Adelaide (1978).
Grad. Dip. Lib. Studies (WAIT), (1981).
Ph.D. University of Western Australia (1998).

Research Interests

Current research interests:
The Freedom Struggle in the Free State (book in progress, papers) ; The South African empire (papers, article, possible book) ;
Intellectual History and the Scholarly Process: Digitization trends in the scholarly world (book) ;
History of the black press and associational life in South Africa (book) ; The Digitization of Africa (articles) ;
Africana Journals (chapter) ; History, Development and Future of the Book Review (paper, article) ;
Ethics and Archives (three articles) ; Africa and the Internet (articles) ; African digital libraries (chapter) ;
African identities, black politics, class and nationalism ; The Indian National Congress & African National
Congress: a comparative history (African nationalism and Indian nationalism compared (papers; book projected) ;
A new history of the liberation movement (book) ; Sol Plaatje's attitudes to gender, class and Empire (papers , articles) ;
ANC history and identities/the black press (papers, articles, two books published) ; Attitudes of African Nationalists to
the British Empire (papers, articles) ; The International/Global Anti-Apartheid Movement ; The ANC, the ALP and the
anti-apartheid movement (book and articles) ;

Papers, article, chapter published, book projected
-- History of political parties and the anti-apartheid movement (commissioned booklet)

Biography/Critical editions
-- Edited collection of A.B. Xuma's primary papers (book published)
-- Nelson Mandela biography (book published)

Nationalism, Gender, and Labour History:
-- Attitudes of African Nationalists and Labor Leaders to gender (papers, article)
-- African women in early African politics 1890s-1930

Teaching Interests

African history, archives


* The People’s Paper: A Centenary History & Anthology of Abantu-Batho (Johannesburg: Wits University Press, October 2012) 592
* The Autobiography and Selected Works of A. B. Xuma (Cape Town: Van Riebeeck Society, Cape Town, 2012 [Second Series; 43) 402
A Shared History: The ALP. the ANC & the Australian Anti-Apartheid Movement (Canberra: Labor International, 2012)
* The ANC's Early Years: Nation, Class, and Place in South Africa before 1940 (Pretoria: University of South Africa Press, 2010) f
* Grappling with the Beast: Indigenous South(ern) African Responses to Colonialism, 1840-1930 (Leiden: Brill, 2010)
* Orb and Sceptre: Studies in British Imperialism and its Legacies (editor) (Melbourne: Monash University Press; 2008).
Nelson Mandela: A Biography (Greenwood Press: February 2008)
Digital Dilemmas and Solutions (Oxford: Chandos, 2004)
(with Dr Jean-Marie Volet) Bibliography of African Literatures (Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 1996; Scarecrow area bibliographies 10)
Dr. Yusuf Mahomed Dadoo, Personal Papers (Bellville, South Africa: Mayibuye Centre, 1995)
The ANC and Black Workers, 1912-1992: an Annotated Bibliography (London; New Jersey: Hans Zell Publishers, 1993).
"The ANC and Black Workers" in Norman Etherington (ed.), Peace, Politics and Violence in the New South Africa (Oxford: Hans Zell, 1992), 284-305.
[interview ] Terence Ranger, "The State of African Studies in Britain and Zimbabwe" African Studies Association of Australasia & the Pacific Review1993
"Trends in African Studies in Australian Libraries" in Australian Library Review special issue on Africa and Area Studies v. 11 no. 4 Nov. 1994, 465-76
"Area Studies, Access to Resources and Australian Libraries" in Australian Library Review v. 11 no. 4 Nov. 1994, 434-36.
"Black Access to Electronic Research Services in South Africa: Problems and Prospects of Real Change," AFSAAP Review, vol. 18 no. 1 1996, 13-17.
"Black Access to Electronic Research Services in South Africa: Problems and Prospects of Real Change," Development Bulletin (Canberra) v. 39 Oct. 1996
"The Archive of the Anti-Apartheid Struggle of South Africa" AFSAAP Review, vol.18 no.1 1996, 49-50
"'Of Deeds Most Foul and Vile': a Short Comparative History of Robben & Rottnest Penal Islands" in African Studies Association of Australasia & the Pacific Review v.20 no.1 June 1998, 15-19
* "An Australian Historian at the Dawn of Apartheid: Fred Alexander in South Africa, 1949-50" in Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History Nov 1999
with Jean-Marie Volet, " New African Perspectives: Editorial" Mots pluriels 13, April 2000
* "'Representing the Laboring Classes': African Workers in the African Nationalist Press, 1900-60" in Les Switzer and Mohamed Adhikari(eds.), South Africa's Resistance Press: Alternative Voices in the Last Generation Under Apartheid ( Ohio University Center for International Studies, 2000), 79-127
* "New Scenarios on Africa, African Studies, and the Internet" Mots pluriels 18, August, 2001
"Sol Plaatje's Attitudes to Labour, Empire, and Gender," Sociology, Rand Afrikaans University, 2001
* "Rethinking Sol Plaatje's Attitudes to Empire, Labour and Gender" Critical Arts vol. 16 no. 1 2002
* "Early ANC Leaders and the British World: Ambiguities and Identities" Historia 47 no.1 2002, 56-82
"2001 Mafikeng SAHS Conference" AHA Bulletin (Australian Historical Association) no. 94, 2002
* "Introduction," to Innovation 24 2002: 1-3
* "Ethical Dilemmas in Southern African Archives and Libraries" Innovation 24 2002. 51-58
"Ethical Dilemmas Facing Africanist Librarians, Archivists and Scholars Today" African Research and Documentation (London) 89 2002 3-18.
"Accessing African archives, libraries and journals: Partnerships, ethics and equity in the 21st century" African Research and Documentation 90 2002 29-41.
"HIV/AIDS in South Africa: A Select Bibliography," Society in Transition, 33 (3) 2002 455-469
* "Sol Plaatje Reconsidered" African Studies 62(1) 2003 33-52.
"Labor" in M. Page (ed.), Colonialism: an International Social, Cultural, and Political Encyclopedia (ABC-Clio, 2003), vol. 1, 325-328. "Sol T. Plaatje (1876-1932)" in Page, Colonialism: . 2 473-4.
* "'No People Can Be Expected to Be Loyal under Such Difficulties': Ambiguities and Identities among Early ANC Leaders" Social Dynamics 29(1) 2003 1-26.
"CAMP and African Newspaper Microfilm Preservation and Digitisation" in Opportunities for Newspaper Preservation and Access in South Africa in , International newspaper librarianship for the 21st century (International Federation of Library Associations, 2006; IFLA; 118)
"Recent Developments in African Scholarly e-Resources" in Focus on the Center for Research Libraries. 23 2004, 8-9
"South Africa: Mining: capitalization and unionization, 1940s-80s," in Kevin Shillington (ed.) Encyclopedia of African History 2005 2 1445-1447.
"Trades Unionism and Nationalism," in Kevin Shillington (ed.) Encyclopedia of African History (London, 2005), v.3 1578-1580. "Trade Unions: Postcolonial", "Z. K. Matthews (1901-68)" "Ezekiel Mphahlele," in Shillington Encyclopedia of African History
* "Partnership as a New Paradigm of Reference Librarianship in African Studies" in The Reference Librarian 87/88 2004 151-162
"Ken Saro-Wiwa," in Encyclopedia of the World's MInorities (London: Routledge, 2005). "Albert Luthuli" "John Garang" in Encyclopedia of the World's MInorities
* "Africana Periodicals: Problems and Progress of Collection and Publication in a Globalizing Information Economy" in V. Ewalds and D. Henige (eds.) Africanist Librarianship in an Era of Change (Lanhma: Scarecrow Press, May 2005), 125-140.
* "The Digitization of Africa," Africa Today (Bloomington, Indiana University Press), Volume 52, Number 2, 2006 3-19.
* "I-Kongilesi Lilizwi ezindi ezindlwini (Congress' Name is Household)": Politics and Class in the Cape Province during the 1920s," in Historia 51, 1 2006 49-86
* "A.B. Xuma," in Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press, revised edition, online 2006
"African Studies Bibliography: A State-of-the-Art Review" [keynote article] Africa Bibliography 2005 (Edinburgh University Press, 2006 [Janaury 2007]), vii-xv
* "The politics of digital “reform and revolution”: towards mainstreaming and African control of African digitisation" Innovation 34 2007
* "The anti-apartheid movements in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand" in The Road to Democracy in South Africa: volume 3 The International Anti-Apartheid Movement or (Pretoria: Unisa Press for South Africa Democracy and Education Trust, 2008) v. 3 907-982
* "Early African Political Leaders in South Africa and the Ambiguous Legacies of British Imperialism" in Peter Limb (editor), Orb and Sceptre: Studies in British Imperialism and its Legacies in Honour of Norman Etherington. (Melbourne: Monash University ePress, 2008).
* "Introduction" in Peter Limb (editor), Orb and Sceptre
* "Intermediaries of Class, Nation, and Gender in the African Response to Colonialism in South Africa, 1890s-1920s" in Grappling with the Beast: Indigenous South(ern) African Responses to Colonialism (Leiden: Brill, Feb. 2010)
"Luthuli, Albert John" in Encyclopedia of African Thought Oxford University Press, 2009)
"Sachs, Albie" "First, Ruth" "Mandela, Nelson" "Plaatje, Sol" "Slovo, Joe" "Huddleston, Trevor""Apartheid" in Oxford Encyclopedia of African Thought
"Interview with Bob Edgar by Peter Limb and Peter Alegi" Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies Vol. 10, No. 3, July 2009, 337–343
"The African National Congress" in Krista Johnson and Sean Jacobs eds. Encyclopedia of South Africa (Boulder, 2011)
"The International Anti-Apartheid Movement" in Krista Johnson and Sean Jacobs eds. Encyclopedia of South Africa (Boulder, 2011)
Contributions/annotations to The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association papers / Robert A. Hill, editor. (forthcoming)
J Simon [interview with Peter Limb] 'On Using the World Newspaper Archive', Focus on Global Resources (CRL) Summer 2010 Vol.29, 4
"Partnerships with the University of Malawi and University of Nigeria Libraries" African Research & Documentation) no. 114 2010 13-22.
* "Terence Ranger, African Studies, and South African Historiography" Historia 56 n1 2011 1-25
"Introduction" (with Horace Campbell) in ACAS Bulletin 86 – The Sudans: Which Way? Nov 2011
Dictionary of African Biography (Oxford University Press, 2012) entries on: Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Sol Plaatje, Walter Sisulu, John Dube, Yusuf Dadoo
* "Introduction" to ''University libraries & library science in Southern Africa", Innovation March 2012
'From ‘Sisters of the South’ to Comrades of the Commonwealth: Old & New Sources and Tools on Australian-South African Relations' Quarterly Bulletin National Library of South Africa, 66 1 2012, 19-24
* "Introduction" and 4 chapters in * The People’s Paper: A Centenary History & Anthology of Abantu-Batho (Johannesburg: Wits University Press, October, 2012):
* "Introduction: A Centenary History of Abantu-Batho, the People’s Paper" in People’s Paper, 2-48
* "‘Only the Bolder Spirits’: Politics, Racism, Solidarity, & War in Abantu-Batho" in People’s Paper 49-80
* ‘They Must Go to the Bantu Batho’: Economics and Education, Religion and Gender, Love and Leisure in the People’s Paper" People’s Paper, 81-115
* "An African Newspaper in Central Johannesburg: The Journalistic and Associational Context of Abantu-Bantu", People’s Paper, 298-317
* "Conclusion: Assessing the Decline and Legacy of Abantu-Bantu", People’s Paper,318-330
"The ANC’s First Newspaper Recovered", The Thinker volume 47, January 2013 34-37
* "Concluding Remarks" in M. Wallace et al Building and Maintaining African Digital Libraries (Leiden, 2014) 'Introduction' (with Terry Barringer, Jos Damen, and Marion Wallace) in Wallace Building and Maintaining African Digital Libraries, 1-11


African studies ; African literature ; bibliography ; African history