Lisa Lindsay

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Associate Professor


University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina


Mailing Address

Department of History
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
CB #3195
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: (919) 962-2178
fax: (919) 962-1403


Countries of Specialization


Research Interests

Colonial Africa, and the African diaspora.


Working with Gender: Wage Labor and Social Change in Southwestern
Nigeria (Heinemann, 2003), traces transformations in household
arrangements as well as ideas about gender as wage labor expanded,
particularly on the colonial railway, beginning in the 1930s.

Co-editor (with Stephan Miescher) of a book of essays men-gendered
experiences in the colonial and post-colonial periods called Men and
Masculinities in Modern Africa. (Heinemann, 2003). Includes: "Money,
Marriage and Masculinity on the Colonial Nigerian Railway," in Lindsay and
Miescher (2003).

Other publications:

"A Tragic Romance, a Nationalist Symbol: The Case of the Murdered White
Lover in Colonial Nigeria," Journal of Women's History 17, 2 (summer,
2005): 118-141.

"Domesticity and Difference: Male Breadwinners, Working Women, and Colonial
Citizenship in the 1945 Nigerian General Strike," American Historical
Review. 104, 3 (1999): 783-812 (co-recipient of the Berkshire Conference
of Women Historians article prize)

"'No Need... to Think of Home'? Masculinity and Domestic Life on the
Nigerian Railway, c.1940-61," Journal of African History. 39 (1998):

"'To Return to the Bosom of their Fatherland': Brazilian Immigrants in
Nineteenth Century Lagos," Slavery and Abolition. 15 (1994): 22-50.


Colonial Africa ; diaspora ; ...