Christopher C. Lowe
Domaine de recherche | l'Afrique |
Pays de résidence | États-Unis d'Amérique |
Titre | Freelance editor, proofreader and writer |
Affiliation | Independent Scholar, Portland, Oregon, USA |
Adresse électronique | |
Adresse | 7314 SE Cesar E Chavez Blvd
Téléphone/Télécopie | phone: 503-788-2543 |
Pays de spécialisation | South Africa ; Swaziland. |
Éducation | Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University, 1998: "Swaziland's Colonial Politics:
Recherche | My intellectual interests include the social, cultural and political
Publications | Review of _The End of Apartheid in South Africa_, by Lindsay Michie Eades,
Review of _Zulu Woman: The Life Story of Christina Sibiya_, by Rebecca
"Civil Society, the Domestic Realm, History and Democracy in South
Review of _Natives Land Act 1913 Specific Cases of Evictions and Hardships
Review of _When the Sleeping Grass Awakens: Land and Power in Swaziland_,
"Talking About Tribe," background paper, Africa Policy Information Center
"Resurrection How?: A Response to Michael O. West and William G. Martin's
"Unexamined Consequences of Academic Globalism in African Studies,"
"Buthelezi, Inkatha and the Problem of Ethnic Nationalism in South
Mots-clés | southern Africa ; history ; politics ; culture ; slavery ; labor studies ; knowledge production. |