Gregory Mann

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Associate Professor


Columbia University

Adresse électronique


Department of History
Columbia University
615 Fayerweather Hall, MC 2502
New York, New York 10027


212 854 3168


He is currently working on two projects: a
history of political belonging in the Sahel (1946-1978); and a study of
political discourse on colonial history in African post-colonies.


Selected publications


Native sons: West African veterans and France in the 20th century. Durham:
Duke University Press, 2006. Melville J. Herskovits Award Finalist


2009. "What was the indigenat? The 'empire of law' in French West
Africa," Journal of African history. vol. 50, no. 3 (November 2009): 331-53.

2008. "An Africanist's apostasy: on Luise White's Speaking with
Vampires," International journal of African historical studies 41, 1: 117-21.

2007. With Baz Lecocq.
"Between empire, umma, and Muslim third world: the French Union and
African pilgrims to Mecca, 1946-1958," Comparative studies of South Asia,
Africa, and the Middle East 27, 2: 367-83.

2007. "Colonialism now: contemporary anti-colonialism and the facture
coloniale," Politique africaine 105: 181-200.

2005. "Locating colonial histories: between France and West Africa."
American historical review 110, 2: 409-34.

2005. "Des Tirailleurs sénégalais aux Sans-papiers:
universaux et particularismes." In: L'Esclavage, la colonisation, et
après: France, Etats-Unis, Grande Bretagne. Sous la direction de
Patrick Weil and Stéphane Dufoix. Presses Universitaires de la
France: 411-36.

2004. "Name-dropping: jamuw and history in the western Sudan." In:
Mande-Manding: background reading for ethnographic research in the region
south of Bamako (Mali). Edited by Jan Jansen. Department of Cultural
Anthropology and Development Sociology, Leiden University (The
Netherlands): 177-89.

2003. "Fetishizing religion: Allah Koura and French 'Islamic Policy' in
late colonial French Soudan." Journal of African history 44, 2: 263-82.

2003. "Immigrants and arguments in France and West Africa." Comparative
studies in society and history 45, 2: 362-85.

2003. "Old soldiers, young men: masculinity, Islam, and military veterans
in late 1950s Soudan Français (Mali)." In: Men and masculinities
in modern Africa. Edited by Lisa A. Lindsay and Stephan F. Miescher.
Social History of Africa series. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann: 69-85.

2003. "Violence, dignity and Mali's new model army, 1960-68." Mande
Studies 5: 65-82. (Guest editor for entire issue with Baz Lecocq)

2003. With Baz Lecocq.
"Writing histories of an African post-colony: Modibo Keita's Mali,
1960-68." Mande Studies 5: 1-8. (Guest editor for entire issue with Baz

2002. "What's in an alias? Family names, individual histories, and
historical method in the western Sudan." History in Africa 29: 309-20


belonging ; political discourse ; colonial history ; post-colonies ; Francophone Africa ; West.