Irving Leonard Markovitz

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique




Queens College and the Graduate Center City University of New York

Adresse électronique


28-15 215 Street
Bayside, New York 11360 USA


718-997-5483 (office)

Pays de spécialisation

Senegal ; Ghana ; Ethiopia ; Somalia ; Eritrea


specializes in the politics and economics of development, especially in Africa. His current work is on civil society and on the development of capitalism in Africa.


For the peer-reviewed journal Comparative Politics
-- Co-Editor-in-Chief since 1995
-- Acting Editor-in-Chief (1983-84)
-- Member of Editorial Board since 1978


Lépold Sédar Senghor and the Politics of
Négritude. New York: Atheneum, 1969; London: Heinemann
Educational Books, 1970, 300 pp.

African Politics and Society: Basic Issues and Problems of Government
and Development. Editor and co-author, New York: The Free Press;
London: Collier-Macmillan Limited, 1970; 6th printing as of 1982, 485 pp.

Power and Class in Africa. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice
Hall, 1977; 6th printing, 1984, 398 pp.

Studies in Power and Class in Africa. Editor and co-author, Oxford
and New York: Oxford University Press, 1987, 415 pp.

Chapters in Books:

"Civil Society, Pluralism, Goldilocks, and other Fairy Tales in Africa",
pp.117-145 in Contested Terrains and Constructed Categories: Contemporary
Africa in Focus, eds., George Bond and Nigel Gibson, Boulder, CO.:
Westview Press, 2002.

"Forging and Framing Democracy", pps. in The Conditions For
Democracy, eds., Theodore K. Rabb and Ezra Suleiman, New York:
Routledge, 2002.

"Constitutions, The Federalist Papers, and The Transition To Democracy",
pp. 42-71 in Democracy in Comparative Politics, ed., Lisa Anderson,
New York: Columbia University Press , 1999.

"Uncivil Society, the State, and Capitalism in Africa", pp. 21-53 in
Civil Society in Africa?, Nelson Kasfir, ed., London: Frank Cass,


"Ghana: Background to Conflict," Root and Branch, Vol. l, No. 1, Winter,
1962, pp. 60 68.

"Bintu and Been to: The New African Literature," Root and Branch, Vol. l,
No. 2, Spring, 1963, pp. 89 92.

"Ghana Without Nkrumah: The Winter of Discontent," Africa Report, April
1966, pp. 10 15. A revised version appears in African Politics and
Society, op. cit., pp. 252 265.

"Ghana" (pp. 312 313); "Sierra Leone" (p. 603); American Annual: 1967, New
York: The Americana Corporation, 1967.

"Ghana Ten Years After Independence: The Development of Technocracy
Capitalism," Africa Today, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1967, pp. 6 12.

"Ghana" (pp. 305 306), "Sierra Leone" (pp. 594 595), "Ivory Coast" (pp.
372 373), Americana Annual: 1968, New York: The Americana Corporation,

"Ivory Coast (pp. 377 378, "Ghana" (p. 321), "Sierra Leone" (pp. 598 599),
The Americana Annual: 1969, The Americana Corporation, 1969.

"Ghana," "Ivory Coast," "Sierra Leone," The Jefferson Encyclopedia,,
Cleveland and New York: World Publishing Co., 1972.

"A Bibliographical Essay on the Study of Ideology, Political Thought,
Development and Politics in Senegal," Current Bibliography on African
Affairs, Part l, Vol. 3, No. 3, March 1970, pp. 5 29; Part II, Vol. 3, No.
4, April 1970, pp. 5 35.

"Blaise Diagne"; "Louis Faidherbe"; "Samory Touré"; "Léopold
Sédar Senghor"; "Amadou Bamba"; "Galandou Diouf. ;"Lamine
Guèye"; "Abodoulaye Ly"; "Sembene Ousmane", Encyclopedia of World
Biography, New York: McGraw Hill, 1975.

"Ghana's Foreign Policy: A Critique and Review Article," African Report,
Vol. 15, No. 3, March 1970, pp. 32 35.

"The Political Thought of Blaise Diagne and Lamine Guèye: Some
Aspects of Social Structure and Ideology in Senegal," Presence Africaine,
Vol. 72, No. 4, 1969, pp. 21 38, reprinted in R. Desai and S.O. Mezu,
Black Leaders of the Centuries, Black Academy Press, Buffalo, 1970.

"Leopold Sedar Senghor: The Technician's Politician," Pan African Journal
Vol. 3, No. 3, 1970, pp. 179 186.

"Traditional Social Structure, the Islamic Brotherhoods, and Political
Development in Senegal," The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 8,
No. l, 1970, pp. 73 96.

"Bureaucratic Development and Economic Growth," The Journal of Modern
African Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1976, pp. 1 18.

"Does the U.S. Overvalue Stability?" West Africa, September 4, 1978, No. 3190.

"Visions of Africa," Social Policy, November/December, 1980, Vol. 11, No.
3, pp. 61 64.

"John Updike's Africa," Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. 14, No.
3, 1981, pp. 536 545.

"Forum: The Conceptual Limits to Power and Class in Africa," Studies in
Comparative International Development, Vol. 25, No. 4, Winter 1990-91, pp.

"Animation Rurale: Biography of an African Administrative Agency," in The
Political Economy of Senegal Under Structural Adjustment edited by
Christopher Delgado and Sidi Jammeh, New York: Praeger Publishers, 1991,
pp. 69-84.

Forthcoming. "Class Formations and Political Economy in Africa,"
in Africology: Emergence of a Discipline (tentative title) edited by
Patrick Bellegarde Smith.

"African Literature and Social Science in the Teaching of World Studies",
co-authored with Ali Jimale Ahmed, Social Studies, Vol.8, No.2,
March/April 1993, pp.78-81.

"Constitutions, Civil Society, and the Federalist Papers", pps. 61-76, in
Constitutionalism: Reflections and Recommendations, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:
The InterAfrica Group, 1994.

"Camels, Intellectuals, Origins, and Dance in the Invention of Somalia: A
Commentary", pps. 63-70, in The Invention of Somalia, edited by Ali Jimale
Ahmed, Trenton, N.J.: The Red Sea Press, 1995.

"Uncivil Society, the State, and in Africa," Special Issue of The
Journal of Comparative and Commonwealth Politics, Vol.36, No.2, 1998.

[ comparative politics ; Senegal ; Ghana ; Ethiopia ; Somalia ; Eritrea ; class ; Senghor ]


politics ; development economics ; civil society ; capitalism ; Africa.