Mohamed Mbodj

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Professor of History


Manhattanville College

Adresse électronique


Director, Department of African and African-American Studies
Manhattanville College
2900 Purchase Street
Purchase, New York 10577 USA


phone: 914-323-7183
fax: 914-323-5311

Pays de spécialisation

The Gambia ; Senegal.


An economic and social history of the Groundnut Basin of Senegal: the Sine-Saloum 1885-1960.

The Emergence of a National Identity: The Gambia, 1817-1965.


History of South Africa; History of the African Diaspora; History of
Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Atlantic; Modern history of West
Africa; Modern economic history of West Africa; Islam in African History;
Colonialism through African eyes: Francophone West Africa; Main currents
in African History: the Modern Period; African Civilizations (at Columbia


-- "L'invention d'une tradition: anciens sites et nouvelle mémoire
ou les ambiguïtés de la célébration de l'indépendence
de la Gambie en 1965," Fêtes urbaines en Afrique: espaces,
identités et pouvoirs, sous la direction de Odile Goerg.
(Paris: Karthala, 1999) pp. 229-254.

-- "The abolition of slavery in Senegal, 1820-1890: crisis or the rise of
a new entrepreneurial class?," in Breaking the Chains: Slavery,
Bondage, and Emancipation in Modern Africa and Asia, ed. by Martin A.
Klein (Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1993).

-- "La crise trentenaire de l'économie arachidière," in
Sénégal: trajectoires d'un état, ed. by Momar
C. Diop (Paris; Dakar: CODESRIA & Karthala, 1992). [Also available in

-- "D'une frontière à l'autre: la mise en valeur commerciale
de la vallée de la Gambie de 1817 à 1981," in Commerce et
commerçants en Sénégambie: XIXème et
XXème siècles, ed. by B. Barry and L. Harding (Paris:
Harmattan, 1992).

-- "The politics of independence in Senegal, 1960-1986," in The
Political Economy of Senegal under Structural Adjustment, ed. by C.D.
Delgado and S. Jammeh (New York: Praeger, 1991)

Selected collaborations:

-- "The Senegalese student movement from its inception to 1989, " in
African Studies in Social Movements and Democracy, ed. by Mahmood
Mamdani and Ernest Wamba-dia-Wamba (Dakar: CODESRIA, 1995) --collaboration
with Abdoulaye Bathily and Mamadou Diouf.

-- "Dynamiques régionales au XXème siècle," in La
population du Sénégal, ed. by Yves Charbit and Salif
Ndiaye (Paris: Direction de la Prévision et de la Statistique;
Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Populations Africaines et
Asiatiques, 1994) --en collaboration avec Charles Becker.

-- "The shadow of Cheikh Anta Diop," in The Surreptitious Speech:
Présence Africaine and the Politics of Otherness, 1947-1987,
ed. by V.Y. Mudimbe (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992)
--collaboration with Mamadou Diouf.


economic history ; social history ; national identity ; Senegal Groundnut Basin.