Lisa McNee
Domaine de recherche | l'Afrique |
Pays de résidence | Canada |
Titre | Assistant Professor |
Affiliation | Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada |
Adresse électronique | |
Adresse | French Studies
Téléphone/Télécopie | phone: 613-545-2093
Pays de spécialisation | Senegal; Togo |
Recherche | My dissertation -- recently published as a book -- focuses on Senegalese
Enseignement | Francophone and French Studies, African languages and literature,
Publications | Selfish Gifts: Senegalese Women's Autobiographical Discourses. Albany,
"Le cadastre de la tradition: Propriété intellectuelle et
"Togo" and "Senouvo Agbota Zinsou, Togolese Playwright in Exile" in
"Nafissatou Diallo." Postcolonial African Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical
"Autobiographical Subjects." Research in African Literatures 28/2 (1997)
Review of Manthia Diawara, African Cinema: Politics and Culture. Cinefocus
"That Which Was Empty Shall Be Filled: The Female Autobiographical Self
"Teaching in the Multicultural Tempest." College Literature 19/3 (1993)
Forthcoming: "Back From Babylon: Popular Musical Cultures of teh Diaspora, Youth
"The Black and the White: Race and Oral Poetry in Mauritania." The Desert
"Initiations: L'aventure ambiguk et l'espace liminaire de la lecture."
"Ourika en famille." French Prose in 1999. Ed. Michael Bishop. Amsterdam:
Mots-clés | Gender; Folklore; Culture. |