Thaddeus Metz
Domaine de recherche | l'Afrique |
Pays de résidence | L'Afrique du Sud |
Titre | Professor |
Affiliation | University of Johannesburg, South Africa |
Adresse électronique | |
Adresse | Philosophy Department
Téléphone/Télécopie | [27]-11-559-3997 ; -2337 |
Site de web | |
Publications | "Recent Work in African Ethics," Journal of Moral Education vol. 39
"Human Dignity, Capital Punishment, and an African Moral Theory: Toward a
"African and Western Moral Theories in a Bioethical Context," Developing
"Higher Education, Knowledge For Its Own Sake, and an African Moral
"The Final Ends of Higher Education in Light of an African Moral Theory,"
"African Moral Theory and Public Governance: Nepotism, Preferential Hiring
"Toward an African Moral Theory," The Journal of Political Philosophy vol.
"The Motivation for 'Toward an African Moral Theory,'" South African
"Ubuntu as a Moral Theory: Reply to Four Critics," South African Journal
Mots-clés | ethics ; human rights ; moral theory ; governance ; higher education. |