Daniele Mezzana

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence



Senior Researcher


Knowledge & Innovation



Mailing Address

via Guido Reni, 56

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: +39 063200231

Countries of Specialization

Algeria, Egypt, Guinea Rep., Kenya, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Congo D.R., Senegal, Tunisia

Research Interests

Key areas of interest: African societies, Relationships between science
and society, evaluation of development projects, corporate social
responsibility, civil society organizations, rule of law, communication
issues, rural development.


2017 Crisis mapping and crowdsourcing in flood management (with G. Quinti), Mar 2017, Associated Programme on Flood Management.

2013 “The current context of surveillance: An overview of some emerging phenomena and policies” (with M. Krlic), European Journal of Law and Technology, Vol 4, No 2: ejlt.org/article/view/187/380.

2011 Technological responsibility. Guidelines for a shared governance
of the processes of socialisation of scientific research and innovation,
within an interconnected world, CNR, Rome (SET-DEV project, funded by
European Commission)

2010 "Simulacri d'incontro. La costruzione dell'immagine turistica del
Marocco," Lucia M.G., Ramou H. (eds), Marocco. Turismo e sviluppo locale -
Maroc. Tourisme et développement local, L'Harmattan Italia, Torino

2009 "Les religions traditionnelles africaines, un facteur potentiel de
developpement," Diasporiques, n. 7

2007 "La rappresentazione dell.Africa: una sfida cognitiva per gli
attori del turismo," Lucia M.G. (ed) Turismo e sviluppo. Le sfide della
nuova Africa = Tourisme et développement. Les défis de la
nouvelle Afrique, L'Harmattan Italia, Torino

2005 "Società africane. L'Africa sub-sahariana tra immagine e
realtà," Zelig, Milano (together with Quaranta G.)

2003 "A cancerous image. The causes of Africa's negative and reductive
image," African Societies n. 4, http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/digitaldemocracy/mezzana.htm

1998 "Immigrati: integrazione sociale e diritti," Vulpiani P. (ed.)
L'accesso negato. Diritti, sviluppo, diversit, Armando, Roma

1996 "Grass-roots Communication in West Africa," Servaes J., Jacobson
T.L., White S.A. (eds), Participatory Communication for Social Change,
SAGE, New Delhi

1986 "Il rapporto città-campagna in Africa Occidentale e il
trasferimento di tecnologie," Cooperazione, jan-feb

Since 2004, he publishes the blog "Immagine dell'Africa", about social
representations of Africa: https://immagineafrica.wordpress.com/


governance ; technology ; science ; communication ; law ; African societies ; development