Jonathan Miran
Region of Interest | Africa |
Primary Country of Residence | United States of America |
Title | Associate Professor |
Affiliation | Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington |
Mailing Address | Liberal Studies Department
Phone/Fax Number(s) | phone: (360) 650-4867
Countries of Specialization | Eritrea; Ethiopia; Somalia |
Education | Ph.D. Michigan State University, 2004 |
Research Interests | Social history of Muslim Northeast Africa
Publications | SELECTED
“Mapping Space and Mobility in the Red Sea Region, c. 1500-1950,” History Compass (forth.) “From bondage to freedom on the Red Sea coast: manumitted slaves in Egyptian Massawa, 1873-
“Guest editor’s introduction: Space, mobility, and translocal connections across the Red Sea area
“Red Sea translocals: Hadrami migration, entrepreneurship, and strategies of integration in
“Constructing and deconstructing the Tigre frontier space in the long nineteenth century,” In
“Endowing property and edifying power in a Red Sea Port: Waqf, Arab migrant entrepreneurs, and
“Power without Pashas: the anatomy of Na’ib autonomy in Ottoman Eritrea (17th-19th c.),” Eritrean
“A historical overview of Islam in Eritrea,” Die Welt des Islams 45, No. 2 (2005): 177-215.
“The Islamic and related writings of Eritrea,” In R. S. O’Fahey and J. O. Hunwick (eds.), Arabic
“Grand mufti, érudit et nationaliste érythréen: note sur la vie et l’oeuvre de cheikh Ibrâhîm
“Missionaries, education, and the state in the Italian colony of Eritrea,” In Holger Bernt Hansen
Keywords | African history ; social history ; Islam in Africa ; Northeast Africa; Indian Ocean |