Eric Morier-Genoud

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord


Research Fellow


University of Oxford, UK

Adresse électronique


Oxford Research Network on Government in Africa
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of Oxford
United Kingdom

Site de web

Pays de spécialisation

Mozambique; Swiss; South Africa


- Co-Editor of Social Sciences & Missions, Leiden: Brill (;

- Editorial board of Lusotopie, Leiden: Brill (

- Editorial board of the H-Luso-Africa discussion list, Michigan State
University, USA (

Started a new comparative project on state mediation of religion in
South-East Africa. I am also doing a project on the memory and
commemoration of the last war in Mozambique and some work on "marginal
nationalisms" in Lusophone Africa.


Taught several courses in African Politics, in the Sociology of
Religion, and on Theory, Methods & Research Strategies.


- Swiss Churches, Apartheid and South Africa, Münster: LIT Verlag,
2008, forthcoming (with Didier Péclard and Caroline Jeannerat)

- "A Prospect of Secularization? Muslims and Political Power in Mozambique Today,"
Journal for Islamic studies (Cape Town), no. 27, 2007, pp. 233-266.

- "Point d'appui : L'Afrique moderne, côté cour,
côté jardin," Nouveaux
Cahiers de l'IUED, Paris/Genève : Presses Universitaires de
France, no 15, 2004, pp. 255-282.

- "Sant'Egidio et la Paix. Interview de Don Matteo Zuppi et Riccardo
Cannelli," LFM. Missions & Sciences Sociales, no 13, October 2003,
pp. 119-145.

- "L'Islam au Mozambique après l'indépendance. Histoire
d'une montée en puissance," L'Afrique politique, Paris:
Karthala, 2002, pp. 123-146.

- "Arquivos, historiografia e igrejas evangélicas em Moçambique,"
Estudos Moçambicanos, Maputo: CEA/UEM, no 19, 2001,
pp. 127-154.

- "The Vatican vs. Lisbon. The relaunching of the Catholic church in
Mozambique, ca. 1875-1940," BAB Working Papers. (Basle,
Switzerland), no 4, 2002, 16 p.

- "The 1996 'Muslim holiday' affair. Religious competition and state
mediation in contemporary Mozambique," Journal of southern African
studies, Oxford, vol. 26, no 3, Sept. 2000, pp. 409-427.

- "Wie stabil ist die Demokratie in Mosambik., Der Überblick,
(Hamburg, Germany), vol. 2, Juin 1998, pp.60-63.

- "Y a-t-il une spécificité protestante au Mozambique?
Discours du pouvoir post-colonial et Histoire des églises
Chrétiennes," Lusotopie. Paris: Karthala, 1998,

- "Of God and Caesar. The relation between Christian Churches and the
state in post-colonial Mozambique, 1974-1981," Le fait
missionnaire. (Lausanne, Switzerland) no 3, sept. 1996, 96 p.


Islam ; politics ; religion ; apartheid ; Catholic church ; Christian churches.