Mark Moritz

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Assistant Professor


Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Adresse électronique


Department of Anthropology
The Ohio State University
112 Lord Hall
124 W. 17th Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1364 USA


phone: 614 247 7426
fax: 614 292 4155

Site de web

Pays de spécialisation

Cameroon; West Africa


Pastoral systems
Political ecology
Complex adaptive systems
Herder-farmer conflicts
Natural resource management
Environment and development
Rural development
Economic anthropology
Institutions and economy
Household studies
West Africa


Cultural Anthropology
Evolution of Human Societies
Peoples and Cultures of Africa
Pastoral Nomads
Socialization and Development
Ethnographic Writing
Language and Culture
Ethnographic Methods
Physical Anthropology
Psychological Anthropology
Environment and Development
Economic Anthropology
Environmental Anthropology
Political Ecology
Anthropology of Islam
Development Anthropology


Under review. Understanding Herder-Farmer Conflicts in West Africa:
Outline of an Analytical Approach.

2006. The Politics of Permanent Conflict: Herder-Farmer Conflicts in the
Far North of Cameroon. Canadian Journal of African Studies 40(1).

2006. Introduction: Changing Contexts and Dynamics of Herder-Farmer
Conflicts across West Africa. Canadian Journal of African Studies 40(1).

Under review. Disentangling Honor Psychology and Pastoral Personality: An
Ecocultural Analysis of Herding Routines of FulBe Children in West Africa.

2005. FulBe Pastoralists and the Neo-Patrimonial State in the Chad Basin.
Geography Research Forum. 25:83-104.

2002. With Paul Scholte and Sadou Kari
The Demise of the Nomadic Contract: Arrangements and Rangelands
under Pressure in the Far North of Cameroon. Nomadic Peoples 6(1): 127-146.

1999 With Francis Tarla
Fulani Pastoralists' Perceptions and Perspectives on Rangelands and
its Degradation in Northern Cameroon. Mega-Chad Bulletin (1 & 2): 16.

With Paul Scholte, Sadou Kari, and Herbert Prins
Forthcoming. Pastoralists' Responses to Floodplain Rehabilitation in
Northern Cameroon. Human ecology 34(1).

1996 With Paul Scholte and Sadou Kari
The Involvement of Nomadic and Transhumance Pastoralists in the
Rehabilitation and Management of the Logone Flood Plain, North Cameroon.
IIED Drylands Programme Issues Paper (66):1-21.

Forthcoming. Individualization of Livestock Ownership in FulBe Family
Herds: The Effects of Pastoral Intensification and Islamic Renewal. In
Collective and Multiple Forms of Property in Animals and Land. G. Schlee
and A. Khazanov, eds.

2006 Economic Anthropology, Traditional Economies, Potlatch. In
International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. M. Zafirovski and J.
Beckert, eds. London: Routledge.

2004 Multiple contributions In The return of the water. P. Loth, ed.
Gland (Switzerland): IUCN.

2001 With Sadou Kari
"Is there a Future for Pastoralism in the Far North Province of Cameroon?,"
In Management of Fragile Ecosystems in the North of Cameroon: The Need
for an Adaptive Approach. Proceedings of an international conference,
Maroua 13-16 November 2000. M. Ali, P. Loth, H. Bauer, and H. de Iongh,
eds. Maroua (Cameroon) & Leiden (Netherlands): CEDC & CML.


politics; environment and development; conflicts; pastoralists; pastoralism