Rosalind C. Morris

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America




Columbia University, New York, New York


Mailing Address

Department of Anthropology
Columbia University
859 Schermerhorn Ext, MC 5540
New York, New York 10027 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: 212 854 4719
fax: 212-854-7347

Countries of Specialization

South Africa and mainland Southeast Asia, especially Thailand

Research Interests

South Africa and mainland Southeast Asia, especially Thailand. Her earlier work focused on
the history of modernity in Southeast Asia and the place of the mass media
in its development, particularly in the encounter between old and new
forms of mediation. More recently, she has been working on an ethnography
of South Africa's mining communities.


2009. Editor of
Photographies East: The Camera and its Histories in East and Southeast
Asia. Durham: Duke University Press.

2008 "Witchcraft," Social Text 95 (2008):113-33.

2008 "Rush/Panic/Rush: Speculations on the Value of Life and Death in
South Africa's Age of Epidemic," Public Culture. 20:2 (2008):199-231.

2008 "The Miner's Ear," Transition 98 (2008): 96-115

2008 "Giving up Ghosts." Positions, Spring 2008, pp. 209-37.

2007 "The War Drive: Image Files Corrupted," Social Text, Special Issue
on War, edited by Patrick Deer. 91:103-42.

2007 "Legacies of Derrida: Anthropology," Annual Review of
Anthropology, Volume 36: 355-89.

2006 "The Mute and the Unspeakable: Political Subjectivity, Violent
Crime, and 'The Sexual Thing' in a South African Mining Community,"
In: Law and Disorder in the Postcolony, edited by Jean and John Comaroff.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 57-101.

