K. P. Moseley

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America


Sociologist; writer/editor; Independent scholar


Independent Scholar, Washington, DC



Mailing Address

4000 Cathedral Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20016 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: (202) 342 2085
fax: (202) 338 4384

Countries of Specialization


Research Interests

Trans-Saharan trade; economic and social history of the
oases of the Bani, SW Morocco, and of the larger oasis band of the
northern Saharan edge; political economy of West Africa; world systems.

Editing/translation: Social science and Africanist manuscripts; Saharan Studies Newsletter.


With Immanuel Wallerstein, "Pre-Capitalist Social Structures," Annual
Review of Sociology IV (1978) 259-90.

"Land, Labour and Migration: The Safroko Limba Case," Africana Research
Bulletin (Sierra Leone) No. 2-3 (1979) 14-44.

"The Safroko Limba of Freetown, I: Taingains Time," Africana Research
Bulletin XV, 1 (1985) 41-80.

"Employer-Provided Housing in Nigeria: Some Preliminary Notes," African
Urban Quarterly IV, 1-2 (Jan-May 1989) 6-24.

"Seizing the Chance: Economic Crisis and Industrial Restructuring in
Nigeria," in T. Shaw and J. Nyang'oro, eds., Beyond Structural Adjustment
in Africa (New York : Praeger, 1992) 119-47.

Review of John O. Igué et Bio G. Soulé,
L'Etat-entrepôt au Bénin: commerce informel ou solution
à la crise?: Al-Maghrib al-Ifriqi (Rabat), No. 3 (1993) 14.

"Capitalist Development and the Nations/States," in R. Palan & B.
Gills, eds, Transcending the State-Global Divide: The New-Structuralist
Agenda in International Relations. (Boulder, CO : Lynne Rienner, 1994)

Review of R.J. Barendse, The Arabian Seas (Leiden: Research School CNWS,
1998): Journal of World-Systems Research (1999).


social history ; social structure ; political economy ; capitalism ; world systems ; West Africa.