Ifeyinwa Flossy Obuekwe

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

Le Nigeria




University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria

Adresse électronique



Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Benin
Benin City


phone: 234 - 52 - 602009
fax: 234 - 52 -602009

Pays de spécialisation



1. Microbial Contamination and Biodegradation of Drugs.

2. Quality Control in Food and Drugs Industries.

3. Antimicrobial Resistance.

4. Gender Issues ( Women's Health Issues, Women in Science and
Technology, Women and Environment, Reproductive Health).

5. Antimicrobial activities of Medicinal Plants.


7. Malaria Research.


i. Teaching of undergraduate classes: PMB 221 & 222; General
Microbiology including the Laboratory Classes

ii. PMB 421

iii. PMB 523: Microbial contamination of Pharmaceutical products


1998, 1999, 2001, 2002


1. ORAKWUE, I. and N. URAIH. (1981). The microbiological quality of
imported milk in Nigeria. Microbios Letters. 18 : 7-12.

2. OBUEKWE, I. F., A. O. OGBIMI and C.O. OBUEKWE (1996). Effects of some
bacterial species on the disintegration properties of four commercial
brands of acetylsalicylic acid tablets. Biomedical Letters. 54: 199-205.

3. OBUEKWE, I. F., C.O. OBUEKWE and A. O. OGBIMI. (1997). Microbial
contamination, growth and survival in non-sterile pharmaceutical
preparations in the tropics. Biomedical Letters. 56: 189-197.

4. OBUEKWE, I. F. and A. O. OGBIMI. ( 1998). Contamination of Drugs by
Microorganisms. Nigerian Journal of Microbiology. 12: 13 - 17.

5. OBUEKWE, I. F., C.O. OBUEKWE and A.O OGBIMI. (1999). Changes in the
absorption properties of some drugs after inoculation with some bacterial
species. Nigerian Journal of Applied Science. 17: 104 -110

6. NWORGU, Z. A. M. and OBUEKWE, I. F. (1999). Alcohol consumption amongst
youths - A health hazard? Nigerian Journal of Health Education and
Kinensics. 1:

7. OBUEKWE, I. F., A.O OGBIMI and C.O. OBUEKWE. (2000). Microbial
contamination of some antibiotics in the tropics, (Nigeria). Nigerian
Journal of Science and Environment. (Accepted).

8. OBUEKWE, I. F. and M. IMARENKHUE. (1999). A comparative investigation
of the effects of some fungal species on tablet hardness and
disintegration properties of acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) tablets.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health. 2(1): 43-47

9. OBUEKWE, I. F. and M. SADOH. (2000). Changes in the physical
properties of paracetamol tablets inoculated with some fungal species.
Nigerian Journal of Microbiology. 14:17-22

10. OBUEKWE, C. O., I. F. OBUEKWE and MOHAMMAD RAFIQ. (2000a). Surface
microbial contamination in some commonly available tablet dosage forms.
Medical Principles and Practice 2000 : 9: 290-299

11. OBUEKWE, I. F., IKPO, I. and OBUEKWE, O. N. (2000b). Contamination,
growth and survival of microorganisms in seven commercially available
dental adhesive powders. Journal of Environmental Science and Health.
3(1): 26 - 30

12. OBUEKWE, C.O., I. F. OBUEKWE and A.O OGBIMI (2001a). Changes in the
disintegration properties of some brands of paracetamol tablets inoculated
with four bacterial species. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research.
58(1): 17-20

13. OBUEKWE, I. F., EGBAGBE, E.E. and NWORGU, Z.A.M. (2001b). Pitfalls in
the treatment of tuberculosis: Analysis of 25 patients seen at The
University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), Benin City, Nigeria.
Nigerian Journal of Microbiology. 15: 39-44

14. OBUEKWE, I. F., A. O. OGBIMI and C. O. OBUEKWE. (2001c). Microbial
contamination of pharmaceutical products in a tropical environment.
Pakistan Journal of Science and Industrial Research (In Press).

15. OBUEKWE, I. F. Treatment and Management of Diarrhoea: Indigenous
methods used by women in an urban community in Edo State, Nigeria.
Proceedings of the Second African Regional GASAT Conference held at The
Women Development Centre Abuja, Nigeria. 29 October -2 November 2000.

16. OBUEKWE, I. F. HIV in pregnancy: Mother -to-child-transmission and
possible interventions. Proceedings of the XXVth International Congress
of the Medical Women International Association (MWIA) Sydney, Australia,
19th -23rd April, 2001.

17. OBUEKWE, I. F. and A. O. IMOGIE. The Impact of Arthritis on Women's
Health Status in Nigeria. Ibid.

18. OBUEKWE, I. F. and E. E. EGBAGBE. Dysmenorrhea: A long-term
consequence of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Ibid.

19. EGBAGBE, E. E. and I. F. OBUEKWE. Unsafe abortion: A public health
problem? Ibid.

20. OBUEKWE, I. F. and L. C. MARCHIE. Family planning: a possible
intervention in maternal mortality. Ibid.


gender ; microbial contamination ; biodegradation of drugs ; reproductive health.