Randall L. Pouwels

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique


Professor of History


University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas

Adresse électronique



Department of History
University of Central Arkansas
Conway, Arkansas 72035 USA

30 Forrest Lane
Conway, Arkansas 72034 USA


phone: (501) 329-0817 (home)
(501) 450-5625 (ofc.)
fax: (501) 450-5617


Primary research in the history of East and East-Central Africa.

Interests in historical reconstruction from oral traditions, archaeology,
and historical linguistics. African religious and cultural history, with
particular reference to Islam.

Presently engaged in the history of the East African coast and the Arabian
Sea in the 'middle' period, ca. 1400-1832.


Middle Eastern and, more Recently, precolonial Native American


A History of East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean in the 'Middle'
Period, 1400-1832, A Cultural History.

The History of Islam in Africa. Co-edited with Nehemia Levtzion.
Athens, OH: Ohio University Pr., 2000.

The Shafi'i Ulama of East Africa, ca. 1830-1960: A Hagiographic
Study. Annotated translation of a book by Sh. Abdallah Salih Farsy.
Madison, WI: African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin, 1989.

Horn and Crescent: Islam and Islamic Leadership in the Coastal
Communities of East Africa, 800-1914. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, 1987, 2002.

Numerous articles and reviews in Afrique et Histoire (forthcoming), The
American Historical Review, Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines, The International
Journal of African Historical Studies, The International Journal of Middle
East Studies, The Journal of African History.


oral traditions ; African religion ; Islam ; East Africa ; East-Central Africa