Emmanuel Sakoma
Region of Interest | Africa |
Primary Country of Residence | Canada |
Title | Ph.D; Development Consultant |
Affiliation | EMS Development Consultancy, Montréal, Canada |
Mailing Address | EMS Development Consultancy
Phone/Fax Number(s) | phone: (514) 738 4615
Countries of Specialization | Nigeria |
Research Interests | Currently working on a postdoctoral research on growth of mica from
Some research interests include studies of Nigerian (African) A-type Granites, the mineralogy and
Publications | Sakoma, E.M. and Martin, R.F. (submitted). Oxidation-induced postmagmatic
Sakoma, E.M., Martin, R.F. and Williams-Jones, A.E. (2000). The late stages of
Ike, E.C. and Sakoma, E.M. (1983). Field geology of the Dago complex. Journal
Keywords | geology ; mineralogy ; evolution ; agromineral resources ; soil replenishment ; ... |