Noel B. Salazar

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

La Belgique


Postdoctoral Fellow


University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Adresse électronique


IMMRC, Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Leuven
Parkstraat 45
bus 3615


phone: +32 475 53.73.13
fax: +32 16 32.59.02

Site de web

Pays de spécialisation



Ethnographic fieldwork in Tanzania (2004, 2007, 2009)

Socio-cultural anthropology: Transnationalism & cosmopolitanism;
glocalization; mobility (tourism and migration); identity &
representation; critical theory; public interest ethnography; Linguistic
anthropology: Discourse-centred approaches; multi-modal semiotics


2007 Anthropology of Tourism in Tanzania (vocational): Guest lecturer with Mr. Vedasto Izoba, Professional Tour Guide School, Arusha,
Tanz.; Syllabus development, organizing lectures, leading discussion groups

2005 Introduction to Africa (undergraduate): Teaching assistant with Dr. Sandra Barnes, Dept. of Anthropology, U. of Pennsylvania; Supplementary
lectures, grading of all written assignments and exams

2005 African Wildlife Conservation (advanced undergraduate/graduate): Guest lecturer with Dr. Peter Rogers, Center for African Studies, U. of
Pennsylvania; Lecture and discussion on the socio-cultural aspects of wildlife conservation

2004 Anthropology of Tourism (vocational): Guest lecturer with Mr. Vedasto Izoba, Professional Tour Guide School, Arusha, Tanz ; Syllabus development,
organizing lectures, leading discussion groups

2004 Popular Culture in Africa (undergraduate): Teaching fellow with Dr. Sandra Barnes, Dept. of Anthropology, U. of Pennsylvania; Test design
and supplementary lectures, grading of written assignments and exams

2003 Introduction to Africa (undergraduate): Teaching fellow with Dr. Sandra Barnes, Dept. of Anthropology, U. of Pennsylvania; Test design
and supplementary lectures, grading of all written assignments and exams

1999 Psychological assistance and support for refugees & internally displaced people (professional): In-house trainer for the
Jesuit Refugee Service East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya; Workshop leader, preparation of materials, personal tutoring


Envisioning Eden: Mobilizing imaginaries in tourism and beyond. Oxford:
Berghahn Books. Forthcoming

Subm. "Imaged or imagined? Cultural representations and the
'tourismification' of peoples and places." To appear in Cahiers
d'Etudes Africaines. [Theme issue]
Subm. "Tourism development and modernity in Africa." To appear in
Le Bulletin de l.APAD. [Theme issue]
Subm. "A troubled past, a challenging present, and a promising
future: Tanzania's tourism development in perspective." To appear in
Tourism Review International 12(3). [Theme issue]

2008 "Representation in postcolonial analysis." In
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 2nd edition.
William A. Darity, ed. Pp. 172-173, Vol. 7. Detroit: Macmillan Reference
2007 "Towards a global culture of heritage interpretation? Evidence
from Indonesia and Tanzania." Tourism Recreation Research
32(3):23-30. [Theme issue]
2007 " 'Small is successful': The lure of small-scale tourism
development and transnational networking." In Sustainability,
Profitability and Successful Tourism. Aparna Raj, ed. Pp. 396-420.
New Delhi: Kanishka.
2006 "Touristifying Tanzania: Local guides, global discourse."
Annals of Tourism Research 33(3): 833-852.


socio-cultural anthropology ; linguistic anthropology ; representation ; tourism ; culture ; ...