Ann Schlyter

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

La Suède


Associate Professor


Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden

Adresse électronique


Centre for Global Gender Studies
Göteborg University
P.O. Box 700
Se-405 30


phone: 46-31-773 48 68
fax: 46-31-773 49 10

Pays de spécialisation



urban development, housing and gender.


(2003) "Privatisation of public housing and exclusion of women. A case
study in Lusaka, Zambia". In Larsson, Mapetla & Schlyter (eds.).
Gender and Housing in Southern Africa: Emerging Issues, Roma, University
of Lesoto, Institute for Southern African Studies.

(2003) Multihabitation. Urban housing and everyday life in Chitungwiza,
Zimbabwe. Uppsala, The Nordic Africa Institute.

(2002) Empowered with ownership - Privatisation of housing in Lusaka,
Zambia. Roma, University of Lesotho, Institute for Southern African

(1998) "Gender research and challenges of the Cairo conference" pp. 25-29
in Twice Humanity - implications for local and global resource use.
Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet.

(1998) With Matseliso Mapetla. "Introduction." pp. 1-16 in Larsson,
Mapetla & Schlyter. Changing gender relations in Southern Africa.
Issues of urban life . ISAS, University of Lesotho.

(1998) "Youth, Gender and living conditions in George compound, Zambia."
pp. 268-308 in Larsson, Mapetla & Schlyter. Changing gender relations
in Southern Africa. Issues of urban life . Roma, ISAS, University of

(1998) Women are plenty --men are scarce. Views on gender and sexuality
among youth in George compound, Lusaka. Stockholm, RFSU, the Swedish
Association for Sex Education.

(1998) "Urban management and democracy" pp. 193-202 in Wohlgemuth, Carsson
& Kifle. Institution building and Leadership in Africa, Uppsala,
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet.

(1998) "Urban community organisation and the transition to a multi-party
democracy in Zambia" in Rudebeck, Tornquist & Rojas (eds.).
Democratisation in the Third World. Concrete cases in comparative and
theoretical perspective. Macmillian Press Ltd. (Also published in 1996 by
The Seminar for Development Studies, Uppsala University).

(1998) Housing policy in Zambia: Retrospect and Prospect, Habitat
International, Vol. 22, No. 3 pp. 259-271, Pergamon.

(1997) "Local organisation, democracy, and urban youth - a case study in
Zambia." Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, XIII. Jg. Heft 3, pp.
281-298, Austrian Journal of Development Studies.


urban development ; public housing ; gender ; women studies ; ...