Ann Schlyter
Domaine de recherche | l'Afrique |
Pays de résidence | La Suède |
Titre | Associate Professor |
Affiliation | Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden |
Adresse électronique | |
Adresse | Centre for Global Gender Studies
Téléphone/Télécopie | phone: 46-31-773 48 68
Pays de spécialisation | Zambia |
Recherche | urban development, housing and gender. |
Publications | (2003) "Privatisation of public housing and exclusion of women. A case
(2003) Multihabitation. Urban housing and everyday life in Chitungwiza,
(2002) Empowered with ownership - Privatisation of housing in Lusaka,
(1998) "Gender research and challenges of the Cairo conference" pp. 25-29
(1998) With Matseliso Mapetla. "Introduction." pp. 1-16 in Larsson,
(1998) "Youth, Gender and living conditions in George compound, Zambia."
(1998) Women are plenty --men are scarce. Views on gender and sexuality
(1998) "Urban management and democracy" pp. 193-202 in Wohlgemuth, Carsson
(1998) "Urban community organisation and the transition to a multi-party
(1998) Housing policy in Zambia: Retrospect and Prospect, Habitat
(1997) "Local organisation, democracy, and urban youth - a case study in
Mots-clés | urban development ; public housing ; gender ; women studies ; ... |