Mark Sedgwick

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

Le Danemark


Associate Professor


Aarhus University, Denmark

Adresse électronique


Department of the Study of Religion
Coordinator, Unit for Arab and Islamic Studies
Aarhus Universitet
Bygning 1442
Täsingegade 3
DK - 8000
Ärhus C


+45 8942 6792

Site de web;

Pays de spécialisation



Islam, especially Sufism; 18th-20th centuries. Sudan. Also outside
Africa - Arab World, Southeast Asia. Multidisciplinary approach, based in
history. Idrisi tradition.


Islam, especially Sufism; 18th-20th centuries. Sudan. Also outside
Africa - Arab World, Southeast Asia. Multidisciplinary approach, based in
history. Idrisi tradition.


2007 "European Neo-Sufi Movements in the Interwar Period," in Clayer, N.,
Germain, E. (eds), Islam in Europe in the Interwar Period, Hurst,

2007 "Jihad, Modernity, and Sectarianism', Nova Religio: The Journal
of Alternative and Emergent Religions, no. 2, pp. 6-27.

2007 "Quelques sources du dix-huitèime sèicle du pluralisme
religieux inclusif," in Brach, J.-P., Rousse-Lacordaire, J. (eds), Etudes
d'histoire de l'ésotérisme, Editions du Cerf, Paris, pp. 49-65.

2007 "Inspiration and the Origins of Global Waves of Terrorism,"
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, vol. 30, pp. 97-112.

2006 "Arab Sufism in the Age of Reform," Annals of Japan Association
for Middle East Studies, vol. 21 no. 2, pp. 23-36.

2006 "Visions of the Field," ESSWE Newsletter, pp. 5-6.

2005 "Neo-Sufism," in Hanegraff, W.J. (ed.), Dictionary of Gnosis and
Western Esotericism, Brill, Leiden, pp. 846-49.

2005 Saints and Sons: The Making and Remaking of the Rashidi Ahmadi
Sufi Order, 1799-2000. Brill, Leiden.

2005 "The 'Traditionalist' Shâdhiliyya in the West," Une
voie soufie dans le monde, Maisonneuve & Larose, Paris, pp. 453-71.

2004 Against the Modern World: Traditionalism and the Secret
Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century, Oxford University Press,
New York.

2004 "Al-Qaeda and the Nature of Religious Terrorism," Terrorism and
Political Violence, vol. 16, pp. 795-814.

2004 "Establishments and Sects in the Islamic World," in Lucas, P.,
Robbins, T. (eds), New Religious Movements in the 21st Century, Routledge,
New York, pp. 283-312.

2004 "In Search of the Counter-Reformation," in Kurzman, C.,
Browers, M. (eds), An Islamic Reformation?, Lexington Books, Lanham, Md,
pp. 125-45.

2004 "Mutations transatlantiques du soufisme', in Rigal-Cellard, B. (ed.),
Sectes, Eglises, Mystiques, Pleine Page, Bordeaux, pp. 157-75.


Islam ; Sufism ; Idrisi tradition ; Africa-Arab World ; history ; ...