Luis Benjamim Serapiao

Region of Interest


Primary Country of Residence

United States of America




Howard University, Washington, DC


Mailing Address

Department of African Studies
Howard University
2225 Georgia Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20059 USA

Phone/Fax Number(s)

phone: 202-238-2318
fax: 202-238-2326.

Countries of Specialization


Research Interests

International Relations

Teaching Interests

Teaching concetrate in Africa in World Affairs, particularly, conflict resolution
in Africa; Intenational law and Africa :selected issues; Foreign policy of
African States; Multinational Corporations and Development in Africa. As
for regional studies, I emphasize Lusophone Africa, particularly



Co-Author, Mozambique in the Twentieth Century; From Colonialism to
Independence,University Press of America, Washington, D. C. 1979.


2002 - " African Foreign Policies and African Unity" in African Institute of
South Africa, Foreign Policies in the 21st Century ; Working Papers,
Pretoria: African Institute of South Africa, 2002: 1-11.

2000 - "Clima Politico em Mozambique", Moznet, January 30, 2000.

1998 - "The Contemporary African World," In Mario J. Azevedo (ed.)
Africana Studies; Survey of Africa and African Diaspora, Durham, Carolina
Press, 2nd edition, 1998.

1996 - "Mozambican Conflict and An African Solution", 21st Century
Afro-Review; A Journal of Issues in The Afro-Community, Vol.2, No.2,
Spring 1996: 130-157.

1994 - "Frelimo nunca teve intelectuais capazes" Interview with Salomao
Moyana, Maputo, Savana,August 19, 1994: 1-4.

1993 - " Mozambican Liberation Front ( FRELIMO) and Religion in
Mozambique, 1962-1988", Africa: Revista Trimestrale di Stui e
Documentazione dell Instituto Italo-Africano ( Roma) Anno XLVIII, No.1,
Marzo 1993: 110-124.

1991 - "Frelimo and Legitimacy in Independent Mozambique", Africa
Quarterly, Vol. 29, 1-2,:20-26.

1990 - "Mozambique's National Interest in Regional Conflict of Southern
Africa" Conflict,Vol. 9, No.4, 1989: 341-356.

1985 - "Mozambique and the West, 1974-1984", Munger African Library Notes,
August 1985.

1983 - "Church and State in Mozambican Politics", Lusophone Area Studies
Journal, Vol.1,January 1983: 67-86.

1981 - "The Catholic Church and the Principle of Self-determination;Acase
study of Mozaambique", The Journal of Church and State, Spring 1981:


International relations; Mozambique; Lusophone Africa; conflict.