Lesley A. Sharp

Domaine de recherche


Pays de résidence

États-Unis d'Amérique




Barnard College, Columbia University, New York

Adresse électronique



Department of Anthropology
Barnard College
411C Milbank
3009 Broadway
New York, New York 10027 USA


phone: 212-854-5428
fax: 212-854-7491

Pays de spécialisation



Sub-Saharan Africa, with a particular emphasis on Indian Ocean (Madagascar, especially Sakalava territory)

Medical anthropology, including general theory, comparative medical
systems, cross-cultural psychiatry, political economy of tropical and
occupational health, medical ethics; other areas: theory and method in
socio-cultural anthropology; memory and historical consciousness; politics
of culture; religion and ritual; work and economic development;
gender-related issues; adolescence; ethnicity; migration and social
change; ethnographic arts.


2007. Bodies, commodities, and biotechnologies : death, mourning, and
scientific desire in the realm of human organ transfer. University seminars/Leonard
Hastings Schoff memorial lectures. New York : Columbia University Press.

2006. Strange harvest : organ transplants, denatured bodies, and the
transformed self. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2006.

2002. The sacrificed generation : youth, history, and the colonized mind
in Madagascar. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2002.

1993. The possessed and the dispossessed : spirits, identity, and power
in a Madagascar migrant town. Berkeley : University of California Press,
c1993. E-book version

Recent articles:

2009 "Flesh and Blood: Organ Transplantation and Blood Transfusion in
Twentieth-Century America." Bulletin of the History of Medicine. Summer
2009 83(2) 418.

2009 "Exchanging One Hardship for Another." The Hastings Center Report.
May/Jun 2009 39(3) 3.

2009 "The art of medicine: Bioengineered bodies and the moral
imagination." The Lancet. Sep 19-Sep 25, 2009 374(9694) 970.

2007 Review article: "The Road to Clarity: Seventh-Day Adventism in
Madagascar." American Anthropologist Jun 2007 109(2) 389.


Madagascar ; Sub-Saharan Africa ; Indian Ocean ; medical anthropology ; political economy.